BEKASI (1 June 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through the Training Center Pangudi Luhur Bekasi, Social Workers and Psychologists conducted an outreach to the house of the legendary serial child story Si Unyil, Pak Ogah, with the characteristic slogan "Cepek dulu dong," (asks money Rp 100,-)  whose real name is Abdul Hamid 74 years.


Pangudi Luhur team responded to the case of Pak Ogah who is currently sick and can no longer work because of his illness, namely blockage of a blood vessel in the brain causing the vocal cords to be disturbed so that he can no longer work as a dubber (voice actor). Conditions like this make Pak Ogah become emotionally unstable.


"He gets angry easily if we don't understand what he's saying. We just do what I understand, Sir, he just wants to get well soon and go back to work. Thank you very much for the attention from the Ministry of Social Affairs to Pak Ogah," said Yuyun, the wife of Pak Ogah.


At the same time as the Pangudi Luhur Bekasi team, Mr. Alfian Deputy Head of Bekasi City Police also came to visit Pak Ogah at the Jati Asih Health Center.


The purpose of the visit of the Pangudi Luhur Bekasi team was to conduct a needs assessment for Pak Ogah and his family. As a result of the needs assessment, Pak Ogah’s family needs more attention assistance in the form of cash which can be used to meet daily needs and mobilize for treatment. Because coinciding with Pak Ogah’s illness, only one of his four children is still working and being the backbone of the family due to being affected by the Covid 19 condition.


With his limitations, Pak Ogah said "Thank you, I want to get well soon, I want to work, so that I can say again “Cepek dulu dong”.