BEKASI (5 July 2021) - The Minister of Social Affairs gave directions in meeting the needs for masks from the Ministry of Social Affairs to be distributed to Employees and Beneficiaries, mass production was carried out at the Pangudi Luhur Center in Bekasi.


The production of masks was made in the sewing room of Pangudi Luhur Bekasi made by the Beneficiaries who received directions from the Sewing Instructors. The production target for masks is in the hundreds with 3-dimensional designs. The process of making this mask has been going on for 1 week.


The production stage is still at the sewing stage and will continue at the testing, sterilization and packaging stages. It is hoped that with the production of these masks, we can immediately break the chain of the spread of Covid-19 and continue to adhere to the 5M, namely washing hands, wearing masks, maintaining distance, avoiding crowds and reducing mobility.