MAKASSAR (April 11, 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through the "Pangurangi" Center in Takalar disseminated the ATENSI center program for nurses, midwives, doctors, and HIV assistants for eight districts namely Pinrang, Bantaeng, North Luwu, Pangkep, Luwu, Sinjai, Toraja, Toraja Regencies North.

At the Test and Treat Orientation Meeting for ARV Services for the HIV AIDS and STI Program which was held by the South Sulawesi Provincial Health Office in 2021, the "Pangurangi" Center was represented by the Head of the Center, Pengalamen Surbakti. This activity was carried out April 8 - 11, 2021 at the Fourpoint Hotel and Swissbell Hotel, Makassar City.

In his remarks representing the South Sulawesi Provincial Health Office Head, Head of the Community Infectious Disease Control Section (P2PM), dr. H.Erwan Tri Sulystio said participants could play a role in creating HIV-friendly service villages and contribute to the success of the 3 zero elimination program for HIV, namely no more new HIV infections, no deaths from AIDS, and no stigma and discrimination against PLHIV in the community.

On the same occasion, the Head of the "Pangurangi" Center
Takalar, Pengalamen Surbakti said that the Ministry of Social Affairs, in this case, the Center, has a high commitment to the 3 zero elimination program for HIV/AIDS, and supports it by providing social rehabilitation services.

Surbakti added this ATENSI service program is divided into residential, LKS, and community-based attention. "There is a Pangurangi Center as a place for PLHIV to get psychosocial services and provide additional skills in an effort to utilize their potential and it is hoped that from this activity doctors, midwives, nurses, and PLHIV companions can refer PLHIV victims in their area to the "Pangurangi" Center in Takalar," concluded Surbakti.

Vanti, a participant from the Bantaeng Health Office, said that so far Bantaeng District has not had a service provider for People with HIV and hopes that the Workshop can provide assistance if HIV cases are found in their area.