TAKALAR (4 June 2020) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through the "Pangurangi" Social Rehabilitation Center for People With HIV (LRSODH) is once again giving basic food for 210 People Living with HIV (PLHIV) in 4 districts simultaneously, namely Takalar Regency, Jeneponto Regency, Bulukumba Regency and Regency Sinjai.
The Health Office of Takalar Regency, Bulukumba Regency, Sinjai Regency and the Hospital welcomed the basic food assistance provided to PLHIV who were affected by COVID-19. This assistance is expected to be able to support the daily needs of the PLHIV family.
The Head of the HIV Social Rehabilitation Center, Pengalamen Surbakti, said that basic food assistance for PLHIV is the evidence that the country is present for people affected by COVID-19, especially people living with HIV in South Sulawesi Province.
This activity involves PLHIV Social Welfare Institutions in each district to reduce data errors on food aid recipients and strengthen cooperation with hospitals and health offices in each district/city.
In addition to distributing basic food, this activity brings the PLHIV Center closer to the community in each district, making it easier to refer HIV victims in urban districts in South Sulawesi Province.
Humas Loka HIV "Pangurangi" Takalar
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