WEST LOMBOK (December 8, 2020) - In order to anticipate the spread of the Corona virus (COVID-19) which is still showing an increasing number of cases, the "Paramita" Children's Center in Mataram, which is the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Social Affairs which serves Children in Need of Protection Specifically (AMPK) conducts COVID-19 free checks for employees through Swab Tests.

I Ketut Supena as the Head of the Center said, "As a direct service agency to the community targeting children, we must ensure that all employees are free from COVID-19 so that there is no doubt in providing therapy and services for the beneficiaries."

The activity started at 10.00 WITA, starting with the first stage, screening, which was carried out by the Swab Test Team of the Mataram City Hospital to the Head of the "Paramita" Children's Center . In the screening, various questions were asked to find out the activities and places visited in the previous 14 days. In addition, a history of illness such as flu, fever, sore throat did not escape the series of questions asked.

After the screening session, both the Head of the Center and all participants carried out the second stage of the Swab Test, namely taking a sample from inside the nose. The Head of the Center said that all State Civil Apparatus were required to carry out a Swab Test which was carried out today in accordance with the Circular Letter of the Director General of Social Rehabilitation number 43/4/HK.01/9/2020 regarding the Implementation of COVID-19 Handling at the Environmental UPT, Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation.

The enthusiasm of employees in participating in the Swab Test activity is shown by their readiness and attendance on time according to the scheduled time. Swab Test sampling is carried out in an orderly manner according to the list of participants.

The Swab Test activity was carried out for 2 hours and went smoothly. Assisted by the Nurse of the "Paramita" Children's Center, the Swab Test team felt that they did not experience any problems and all employees cooperated in participating in the Swab Test activity.

At the end of the session, Supena said, "Hopefully the results of today's Swab Test state that all employees are negative and are able to provide excellent service for the entire community in general and the children who are beneficiaries in the Cebnter, especially those who are undergoing the Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) program.