MATARAM (24 May 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs, through the "Paramita" Center, is harvesting garden products by the Children Against the Law (ABH) in the Mix Farming of Paramita Center.


This activity was attended by 8 ABH Beneficiaries (PM) who worked on vocational Mix Farming guided by a vocational instructor, Kustadi. The type of plant that is harvested is mustard greens.


As is well known by the public, mustard greens have many benefits, including as a high source of good antioxidants for the body, support liver function, help lower cholesterol, and support heart health, and many other benefits.


The head of the "Paramita" Center, Ketut Supena said that in addition to receiving psychosocial therapy, ABH is also taught entrepreneurship to equip them with independence.


"So when the child leaves after undergoing a period of social rehabilitation at the Center, the child is able to continue his ability to grow crops and be independent and benefit himself so that he does not depend on his parents anymore,” he said.


"It takes patience to teach children who are ABHs in cultivating garden plants. Persistence and consistency in caring for and maintaining plants are needed to obtain maximum results and selling value," said Kustadi.


Lanang, one of the PMs who participated in the activity said that he loved farming, "I really like farming. In my place of residence, there are many gardens like this. This activity suits me and I will keep it until I finish rehab here," he said.


After harvest, the whole plant is packaged and sold. The proceeds from the sale of this plant will be given to the children and will be bought back seeds to start planting the new one.