WEST LOMBOK (November 20, 2020) - The Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs through the "Paramita" Social Rehabilitation Center for Children in Need of Special Protection (BRSAMPK) in Mataram conducted a reunification of female beneficiaries after undergoing Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI).

The beneficiary is a victim of sexual violence perpetrated by friends whom she just met over the phone.

Initially, the beneficiary family were ashamed of the community about their child's pregnancy and hoped that services and protection could be provided at the Center.

The beneficiary and her family initially did not want the baby, even while she was in the center, the beneficiary were known to have hurt the baby in her womb by hitting her stomach.

Social workers continue to provide assistance to beneficiaries, provide counseling, family mediation and psychosocial therapy to beneficiary so that in the end the beneficiary decide to take care of her baby. This is also supported by her parents who stated that they were ready to provide care for her baby. The family believes that bringing this baby will bring fortune for the family.

The beneficiary is returned to her families by the Head of the Center accompanied by the Section Head of Social Rehabilitation Services, Section Head of Social Assessment and Advocacy and Functional Social Workers. This is based on the decision of the Case Conference team that the results of the intervention of social workers and psychologists indicate good progress so that the beneficiary have been declared to have finished receiving services at the Center and need to be immediately reunified to her family.

Prior to reunification, social workers also conducted home visits to ensure the readiness of families, community support and local community leaders regarding the plan to care for the beneficiary's baby.

I Ketut Supena, as the Head of the Center, advised the beneficiary, "Continue the school, take good care of the baby, don't forget to give exclusive breastfeeding to the baby to increase the baby's immunity. Parenting in the family is the best choice for the child."

Next, the beneficiary is escorted by the social worker to his place of residence. Arriving at home, the beneficiary was welcomed by the head of the RT and several local people.

The community welcomes the arrival of the beneficiary and her baby. They were enthusiastic about welcoming the beneficiary and her baby. This is shown from the good response and the attitude of the community who pays attention to the beneficiary by saying, "Don't carry heavy things when you have just given birth."

Another concern was also given by the Integrated Service Post (Posyandu) cadre, "I will also monitor the development of the beneficiary's baby by involving the baby in Posyandu activities which are held regularly every month."

The Social Worker Service Unit said, "Later on, we will assist the process of making the baby's birth certificate so that the beneficiary's child obtains a resident identity."

The beneficiary's parents expressed their gratitude to the "Paramita" Children's Center for taking good care of their children, providing good protection and service. "Hopefully the "Paramita" Center will be blessed, and their officers will be given a long life and a lot of sustenance," they said.

The beneficiary also said "Thank you for taking care of me there, for taking care of me during pregnancy until delivery. This baby is the most beautiful gift from God so I have to take care of him. I will continue his schooling and promise not to do it again."