JAKARTA (May 6, 2021) - The "Kahuripan" Training Center Sukabumi participated in the Ramadan Bazaar entitled "Cheap Shopping with the Social Affairs Minister" which was held on 6 - 7 May 2021 at the Ministry of Social Affairs.
The "Kahuripan" shop provides snacks such as Banana chips, lantak, Eid pastries, purple sweet potato tray, ranginang, and mochi. In addition to snacks, the "Kahuripan" Training Center also provides prayer mats and batik sandals. Accompanied directly by the Head of the "Kahuripan" Training Center, Dede Khaerufirdaos, the "Kahuripan" Team also included Social Workers, Instructors as well as Beneficiaries to participate in this Ramadan Bazaar.
"Appreciate the beneficiaries' work and develop and empower, complete services until they can truly live in the midst of society. Provide creative, innovative vocational or entrepreneurship, don't be monotonous because it adapts to existing tools and in the future, budget for sophisticated skill tools by adjusting to the changing market. develop until the beneficiaries are independent and prosperous," said the Minister of Social Affairs during a visit to the "Kahuripan" Bazaar booth.
On this occasion, the "Kahuripan" Training Center also received appreciation in the form of the Best Home Industry Award for the creation of Batik Sandals which was given directly to Lala, the beneficiary at the "Kahuripan" Training Center and accompanied by the Head of the "Kahuripan" Training Center.
Participating in Ramadan Bazaar, "Kahuripan" Center Wins Award

Humas Loka Karya Kahuripan
Annisa YH
Intan Qonita N