TEMANGGUNG (June 10, 2021) - People with Intellectual Disabilities who are Beneficiaries (PM) at Kartini Center in Temanggung underwent Covid-19 vaccination which was held in the Bodybuilding room of Kartini Center.
Head of the Kartini Center, Juena Sitepu, said that the Covid-19 vaccination for beneficiaries was a continuation of efforts to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Previously, employees at the center had also received the vaccine.
"Similar protection must also be provided to the beneficiaries we foster," said Juena. She said that her party provides special assistance for beneficiaries consisting of people with intellectual disabilities, mental disabilities and physical disabilities. "Before being vaccinated, the beneficiaries are given motivation by a psychologist, then assistance is provided by caregivers, social workers and health workers from the Kartini Center," added Juena.
The Temanggung District Health Office appointed the Dharmarini Community Health Center as the implementer of the beneficiary's vaccination at the Kartini Center in Temanggung. Head of the Dharmarini Community Health Center, Anis Mustaghfirin, said that vaccination was carried out by giving special treatment to people with disabilities.
"The condition of those with special needs cannot be equated with society in general," said Anis. According to him, children with intellectual disabilities are given the same treatment as children who want to be injected.
"There are around 60 beneficiaries who are scheduled to be vaccinated. However, those who meet the requirements for Covid-19 vaccination are only given to 51 people," explained Anis. Those who are not vaccinated because they are under 18 years old. In accordance with regulations and conditions, the Covid-19 vaccine is only given to people aged 18 years and over.
"This vaccination is the first stage. The plan is that after 28 days, the second stage of vaccine, or around July, will be given again," explained Anis.