SUKABUMI (January 7, 2021) - The "Phala Martha" Sukabumi Disability Center is here to fulfill an Invitation from the Regional Secretariat of the Sukabumi Regency Government in the Handover of 30 People With Mental Disorders (ODGJ) Post Inpatient at the Dr. H. Marzoeki Mahdi Mental Hospital. (RSJMM) Bogor. The place for the handover was held at the Pusbangdai Building, Hajj Dormitory, Jl. Cikembang Cikembar Sukabumi which was attended by the Regional Assistant for Government and People's Welfare of Sukabumi Regency, Head of the Health Office and its ranks, Head of Sukabumi Police, Commander of Military District 0622 Sukabumi, 12 Public Health Centers throughout Sukabumi Regency, Head of the Sukabumi Regency Civil Service Police Unit.

The handover of 30 residents of Sukabumi Regency who have been hospitalized at RSJMM Bogor is a series of mental health care services in the community initiated by RSJMM in collaboration with the Sukabumi Regency Government and the Sukabumi "Phala Martha" Disability Center, which was previously carried out on December 16, 2021. mental health examination, evacuation to RSJMM Bogor and hospitalization for 23 days for Severe ODGJ.

Prior to the handover of patients, it was started with a report from the implementing committee by the Head of the P2PTM and Mental Health Section, H. Tatang Koswara, remarks from the Head of the Sukabumi District Health Office, H. Harun Alrasyid, Regional Assistant for Government and People's Welfare of Sukabumi Regency, Ade Setiawan, Head of the "Phala Martha" Disability Center and President Director of RSJMM Bogor.

"The Sukabumi Regency Government in collaboration with the Bogor RSJMM and stake holders has carried out mental health examinations and evacuation of severe ODGJ from 2017 to 2021, as many as 3 community mental health service activities," said Harun Alrasyid.

Harun also said that in Sukabumi Regency there are 3,600 ODGJs who have received mental health services, therefore he asked mental health programmers at the Public Health Center (Puskesmas) to continue to provide assistance to patients and maintain referral mechanisms and basic health services at the Puskesmas.

"To patients and their families, in order to provide assistance to patients properly, do not stigmatize and discriminate the patients but treat them the same as other humans," Harun said.

"In Sukabumi, there are already 3 regional hospitals that already have psychiatrists or psychiatrists, namely; Palabuhanratu Hospital, Sekarwangi Hospital and H. Samsudin Hospital, SH. Mild mental drugs are also available at the Puskesmas to be used by the community properly," concluded Harun.

Representing the Regent of Sukabumi, Ade Setiawan in his speech expressed his gratitude for the implementation of the activity and apologized to the Regent who was unable to attend this activity.

"Alhamdulillah, mental health service activities and evacuations from year to year can be carried out well thanks to the collaboration between the Sukabumi Regional Government and the Bogor RSJMM. This year, the benefits are felt, especially for 30 people who have received mental health services. It is very visible from the conditions of development the mentality of the patients," said Ade.

Ade also expects the family to maintain a conducive family environment to eliminate the factors that trigger recurrence.

"Accompany patients in undergoing therapy at home, consult the mental health development of patients with Puskesmas officers so that our brothers and sisters can return to their activities in daily life, be productive and contribute to the family and community," he said.

At the end of his speech, Ade thanked RSJMM and all parties who have provided support so that ATENSI service activities can be carried out in Sukabumi Regency.

Umar Khaerudin, Social Worker representing the Head of the "Phala Martha" Disability Center Sukabumi, said that Phala Martha through Home Care and Day Care services has provided social rehabilitation services to as many as 400 residents of Sukabumi Regency, originating in Kebonpedes, Nagrak, Sukaraja, Sukalarang Districts, Gegerbitung Nyalindung, Purabaya, Parakansalak, Bojonggenteng, Cibadak Warungkiara, Parungkuda, Caringin and Cisaat in 2015, 2016 and 2017.

"They have received social rehabilitation and economic business assistance. Even the evaluation results in Parakansalak, there are service recipients who now have as many as 15 sheep," he said.

"Phala Martha Center as the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) of the Ministry of Social Affairs in charge of providing direct social rehabilitation assistance services (ATENSI) to Persons with Mental Disabilities (PDM) or ODGJ starting in 2021 in providing services using a family, community and residential-based approach in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Number 16 of 2020. The implementation of this ATENSI service certainly requires understanding, cooperation support with various parties, including the Regional Government, Social Welfare Institutions (LKS), the community and social volunteers in Sukabumi Regency," Umar continued.

Iyep Yudiana as the Mental Health Promoter of RSJMM Bogor, conveyed a message to the family to provide assistance in taking medication and routine control, always inviting communication and activities at home so that patients can recover, be productive and independent.

The event ended with patient testimonials and patient handover from RSJMM to the Sukabumi Regional Government witnessed by invited guests.