BATURRADEN (October 2, 2019) - The Social Rehabilitation for Victioms of  Drug Abuse (BRSKPN) “Satria” in Baturraden held the inauguration of the Baturraden Drug Information and Education Center (PIE). PIE Napza Baturraden has several programs to reach all levels of society. The programs in question include: GARASI, CARE, PIEN ACCESS, Kedai KoPIE and Psychosocial Therapy Services.

Director of Social Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Drug Abuse (RSKPN) Ministry of Social Affairs M. Nur Soleh revealed that PIE Napza Baturraden was extraordinary. "I salute because four months ago this place was still a mess and this program was still an idea, and now the idea has been realized," said M. Nur Soleh.

"PIE NAPZA Baturraden is a service organized to provide information and education about Narcotics, Psychotropics and Other Addictive Substances (Drugs) to the public," said Restyaningsih.

Head of BRSKPN "Satria" Baturraden. Restyaningsih added that the purpose of developing the Baturraden Drug PIE is to make it easier to obtain information and increase the participation of the public, students / college students, institutions (government, private, Recipient Institutions, Organizations / Orsos) in efforts to prevent drug abuse.

Wiwit Widiansyah as the Head of the Center for Social Welfare Education and Training gave his testimony about PIE. "I grew up here, and PIE Napza Baturraden is a testament to the extraordinary achievements during the history of this institution," said Wiwit.

The inauguration activity was also attended by the Head of BNNP Central Java and all Heads of BNNK in the Central Java region as well as Heads of Centers within the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs in the Central Java region.

Brigadier General Pol Benny Gunawan, as the Head of the Central Java National Narcotics Agency, said that he was very enthusiastic about the formation of PIE NAPZA. Therefore, he deliberately invited all Heads of BNNK in the Central Java region to accompany him to attend the inauguration of the PIE so that it could be used as a pilot model.

Not only that, he also appealed to the Central Java National Narcotics Agency (BNNK) that had not yet entered into an MoU with BRSKP on Drug "Satria" in Baturraden to hopefully collaborate soon. Following up on this, as a first step, an MoU was signed between BNNP Central Java and BRSKP Napza "Satria" in Baturraden.

The inauguration of PIE Napza Baturraden was marked by cutting the ribbon and tumpeng by the Director of RSKPN accompanied by invited guests. Furthermore, all invited guests who were present were invited to take a tour to witness the content in PIE Napza Baturraden.