KAMPAR (September 3, 2021) – Social Rehabilitation
Center "Rumbai" in Pekanbaru responds to an emergency flash flood
disaster and provides ATENSI (Social Rehabilitation Assistance) service in
Ludai Village, Kampar Kiri Hulu District, Kampar Regency. The officer was
accompanied by Sakti Peksos and PKH Assistant Kab. Kampar immediately went down
to the location and saw firsthand the conditions after the heavy rain on
Monday, August 30, 2021, caused flooding in the middle of the night when most
of the residents of Ludai Village were asleep.
Ludai Village is a
village on the side of the Bio River which is a 5 to 6-hour drive from
Pekanbaru City. Transportation to the village is by car and followed by a
robin-engined boat.
"Rumbai" Center
in Pekanbaru provided ATENSI assistance in the form of 40 baby kits and 42
family kits as a form of fulfilling emergency needs for children and families
in disaster situations.
Head of the Center, Ahmad
Subarkah, who in this case was represented by Social Worker, Suyono, advised
and provided motivation and reinforcement to children and families who were
victims of the flood to be more patient and enthusiastic in living their daily
lives after the flood.
The community is very
grateful for the attention, assistance, and care from "Rumbai" Center
in Pekanbaru because their area is remote and even electricity has not
yet arrived in their area and transportation is very limited. Thanks were also
conveyed by the Regional Secretary of Kampar Regency, Yusri, and the Head of the
Social Service, Muhammad who at that time was also present in Ludai Village.
"We would like to
thank the Ministry of Social Affairs through the "Rumbai" Center in
Pekanbaru came directly and provided much-needed assistance to the
community around the disaster, may it be a blessing and useful."