TERNATE (23 November 2019) - The Social Rehabilitation Center for People of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (BRSODH) "Wasana Bahagia" Ternate collaborates with the Makududara Ternate Social Welfare Institution (LKS) to provide livelihood therapy in the form of the practice of making decorative pots made from used towels to participants of Community-Based Social Rehabilitation for PLHIV activities (Community Based Care / CBC).
The activity was carried out at the LKS Makududara secretariat and was attended by 20 ODHA people. The practice of making decorative pots was accompanied by Ryan Ardiansyah La Parman as the instructor.
"Often used towels are just rubbish at home, but with a little touch of creativity used towels can become items of artistic and economic value," explained Parman.
The materials prepared are used towels, cement dough, dyes, pots as molds and a place for drying. The process of making decorative pots is quite simple. The mold pot is wrapped in an old towel that has been dipped in cement mixture. Then the towels are dried on a special pole under the sun. After drying, the towel can be removed from the mold pot and ready to be colored according to the desired pattern.
Community Based Care (CBC) is a form of the Social Rehabilitation Program (PROGRES) for PLWHA which focuses on the active role of LKS as activity implementers. This year BRSODH "Wasana Bahagia" Ternate collaborated with LKS Makududara in Ternate City and LKS My Hope in North Halmahera Regency in implementing Community Based Care (CBC).