BEKASI (2 July 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through Pangudi Luhur Center in Bekasi held a joint prayer for the health of the family and the nation. This joint prayer is our momentum to ask the Almighty so that the Indonesian nation will always be given blessings, security, health, safety, and virtue for its leaders and people.


Let us unite together to unite our hearts, bow our heads, and humble ourselves before God so that this nation can become even better.


Yes, Lord, hear our prayers all. Please accept our request. Make our country full of love and peace. We can only try but only You can make it. Forgive us and make us always good for this nation and country. Amen.


The mandate conveyed by the Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini, said that you must maintain health protocols everywhere, with discipline. "Work sincerely and work hard. Together we can, let's give our best," said Risma.


Rise Indonesia by remaining united, enthusiastic, and continuing to excel. Stay away from the virus, not the person by implementing health protocols. I'm healthy, you are healthy, Indonesia is healthy.