GORONTALO (15 May 2020) - Located at the Miftahul Jannah Taman Anak Sejahtera (TAS), Gorontalo Province, a symbolic handover was held for the Child Social Rehabilitation Assistance to the Three Child Social Welfare Institutions (LKSA) that received assistance in Gorontalo Province. Complying with the protocol on Large-Scale Restrictions (PSBB) in several regions in Indonesia, ceremonial activities were carried out via video conference witnessed by the Head of the Balai, the Structural Officer of the Children's Center "Toddopuli" in Makassar, and also the Regional Coordinator of Gorontalo Province.

The distribution of Child Social Rehabilitation Assistance is channeled through 43 Child Social Welfare Institutions (LKSAs) spread across 7 (seven) "Toddopuli" Child Work Areas in Makassar, covering the Provinces of South Sulawesi, North Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, Gorontalo, Papua and West Papua. With a total amount of assistance of Rp. 1,050 billion with a total of 1,050 children. Each child received social assistance as much as Rp. 1 million

Christiana Junus, Head of the "Toddopuli" Children's Center in Makassar, in his remarks thanked the Head of the Gorontalo Province Social Service for attending and providing Social Rehabilitation Assistance for Children. Gorontalo Province is one of the Provinces in the working area of ​​the "Toddopuli" Children Center in Makassar that received assistance and the first Province to distribute aid symbolically. The distribution of the Child Social Rehabilitation Assistance has gone through the verification and validation stages carried out by the Social Service and also the Social Workers of Gorontalo Province.

Christiana said, that according to the direction of Mr. Harry Hikmat, the Director General of Social Rehabilitation during the COVID-19 Academic period, the delivery of aid must be immediately provided so that it can reduce the burden on the lives of people affected by the pandemic. For the area of ​​Gorontalo Province the amount of Rp. 120 million beneficiaries, there are 120 children who are divided into 2 (two) LKSA and 1 TAS, namely LKSA Ar Rahman with 40 children, LKSA Amal Sholeh 40 children and TAS Miftahul Jannah 40 children.

Risjon Kujiman Sunge, Head of the Gorontalo Province Social Service, would like to thank the Toddopuli Children's Center in Makassar for providing Child Social Rehabilitation assistance to 120 children in Gorontalo Province through the Child Social Welfare Institution and the Prosperous Child Park. According to him, during the current pandemic, this assistance is very beneficial for children affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Head of the Social Service of Gorontalo Province symbolically handed over Children's Social Assistance to the Three Chairmen of the LKSA and then the Head of the LKSA handed over the Assistance Savings Book to Recipient Children, witnessed directly by the Head of the Children's Center "Toddopuli" in Makassar via video conference media.

In this symbolic handover of Child Social Rehabilitation Assistance, they still follow the COVID-19 procedure, namely keeping their distance, the participants who attend wear masks and they are  only representatives of children and parents, the Chairperson of LKSA and also Social Worker Service Unit Gorontalo Province.

The Head of Taman Anak Sejahtera (TAS) Miftahul Jannah thanked the Children's Center "Toddopuli" in Makassar who had chosen and entrusted their social assistance to them to be distributed and used by the Assisted Children properly.