KENDARI (January 22, 2021) - The COVID-19 pandemic is not over yet, even the latest data on the spread of the virus is still increasing every day so we are encouraged to stay alert and adhere to health protocols, namely implementing a healthy lifestyle, always washing hands with water and soap/hand sanitizer, wiping the surface of an object with a disinfectant and applying etiquette of cough and sneezing to help break the chain of spreading the virus.

As one of the efforts to prevent the COVID-19 virus, the government recommends carrying out health tests which include Rapid Tests, Rapid Antigens and PCR tests. So that the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) provides assistance with Rapid Antigen tools to the Center belonging to the Ministry of Social Affairs. With the presence of the Rapid Antigen device, the Social Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Deaf Sensory Disabilities (LRSPDSRW) Implementing Unit belonging to the Ministry of Social Affairs cooperates with health workers from the Lepo-Lepo Kendari Public Health Center to carry out Rapid Antigen activities for all employees.

The Rapid Antigen activity was carried out in the Center Hall room and was attended by 40 participants consisting of 27 civil servants and 13 honorary employees. Budi Sucahyono, the Head of the Center gave directions to the rapid antigen participants to be calm. He was also willing to be the first participant to carry out Rapid Antigen as an example so that employees would not be tense. From the results of this Rapid Antigen, 1 (one) employee was detected having the reactive result, so the health officer recommended that the employee perform self-isolation and PCR test.

The Head of the Center hopes that employees will maintain their health and comply with health protocols both inside and outside the Center environment. At the end of the activity, the Head of the Center expressed his gratitude to the health workers from the Lepo-Lepo Public Health Center who had been willing to help make the Rapid Antigen implementation successful in the "Meohai" Center environment so that the activity could run smoothly.