JAMBI (December 28th 2019) - The Social Rehabilitation Center for Children who Need Special Protection (BRSAMPK) “Alyatama” in Jambi carried out a Psychosocial Therapy Technical Guidance (Bimtek) activity which was attended by 17 BRSAMPK "Alyatama" Jambi Social Workers, Kanti Sehati Foundation, Provincial IPWL and The institution belongs to the Social Service and the Jambi Province LPKSA. Technical Guidance was held for two days from December 26th to 27th 2019 in the Meeting Room.

Currently the Social Rehabilitation Center also carries out the duties and functions as a center for capacity building of LKS and the Center for Social Welfare Human Resource Development. This activity is also carried out in order to realize these duties and functions. The purpose of holding this activity is so that the intervention carried out by social workers, whether it is guidance in basic social rehabilitation or therapy in advanced social rehabilitation, can be measured, holistic and standardized and successful in accordance with Progress 5.0.

There were two resource persons in this activity, namely Meiti Subardhini, who provided material on Psychosocial Therapy Methods and Techniques for AMPK and Imron Rosadi on Psychosocial Therapy and four main activities of the Program, namely aiming assistance, therapy, social care and family support as well as important elements of effectiveness Psychosocial Therapy.

It is hoped that after this activity the social workers who are the spearheads of service can master psychosocial therapy for PPKS AMPK in Advanced Social Rehabilitation in accordance with the theme of the activity.