BEKASI (February 22, 2021) - The Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs through the Bekasi "Budhi Dharma" Elderly Center deployed a Case Response Team (Resus) to provide health services for the elderly affected by flooding in Sumber Sari Village, Pabayuran District, Bekasi Regency. Floods in Pabayuran were caused by the overflow of the Citarum River due to high-intensity rains that have flushed the Bekasi area since Saturday night, (20/2/2021).
The "Budhi Dharma" Resus Team for the Elderly Health Service Center responded to the flood disaster by providing health services for the elderly affected by the flood at 2 evacuation posts for residents affected by the flood, namely the Sumber Sari Village post with 166 evacuees and the Main Command Post (Gazebo Village) with a total of 266 evacuees.
The head of the "Budhi Dharma" Elderly Center Bekasi , Pujiyanto conveyed that one form of protection for the elderly as a vulnerable group during a disaster is to provide health services and psychological support for the elderly affected by floods, and then carry out an urgent needs assessment for the elderly affected by floods.
The Health Service Resus Team, Vicky Septiana together with 2 other nurses then coordinated with the Pabayuran District and the Bekasi District Social Office and went straight to the evacuation post locations in Sumber Sari Village and the Main Command Post (Gazebo Village).
The journey of the Health Service Resus Team to the evacuation site was not easy because the access road was blocked by flood with a depth of approximately 1 meter. Likewise, when passing the main route (Pantura), all vehicles turned back due to the collapse of the Karawang bridge.
The "Budhi Dharma" Resus Team for the Elderly Health Service Center responded to the flood disaster by providing health services for the elderly affected by the flood at 2 evacuation posts for residents affected by the flood, namely the Sumber Sari Village post with 166 evacuees and the Main Command Post (Gazebo Village) with a total of 266 evacuees.
The head of the "Budhi Dharma" Elderly Center Bekasi , Pujiyanto conveyed that one form of protection for the elderly as a vulnerable group during a disaster is to provide health services and psychological support for the elderly affected by floods, and then carry out an urgent needs assessment for the elderly affected by floods.
The Health Service Resus Team, Vicky Septiana together with 2 other nurses then coordinated with the Pabayuran District and the Bekasi District Social Office and went straight to the evacuation post locations in Sumber Sari Village and the Main Command Post (Gazebo Village).
The journey of the Health Service Resus Team to the evacuation site was not easy because the access road was blocked by flood with a depth of approximately 1 meter. Likewise, when passing the main route (Pantura), all vehicles turned back due to the collapse of the Karawang bridge.
Not giving up, the Health Service Resus Team again looked for a way to Sumbersari Village and met with the elderly who had fled to the village post and main post. 30 elderly were examined by the "Budhi Dharma" Elderly Health Service team, 8 of them complained of aches, coughs, runny noses, dizziness and itching, so the officers coordinated the administration of drug therapy according to indications at the Main Command Post (Gazebo Village) and there were 2 elderly at the Sumber Sari Village Command Post who were brought to the nearest Public health sub centre (PUSTU).
In accordance with the COVID-19 prevention protocol, officers also provide health education on COVID-19 prevention to avoid transmission of COVID-19 while at the evacuation post and the importance of maintaining cleanliness to avoid getting sick.
The elderly were affected by the flood, Grandma Odah (65 years old) told the nurse while being examined, the flood that submerged her house that night when someone gave information that the river embankment had burst, grandmother Odah and her husband rushed to a safe place.
It is different with the story of Mak Ayun, a 67-year-old elderly who comes from Sumber Sari Village. Mak Ayun said that she had been in the evacuee camp for 2 days with other residents. By the time Mak Ayun was evacuated to the evacuation center, the water had pooled as high as the adult's chest and until now it is not known whether the water in the house and its surroundings has receded or not.
The rapid response of the "Budhi Dharma" Elderly Center Bekasi provides protection for the elderly affected by disasters as a form of the Ministry of Social Affairs being present in responding to disasters for the elderly so that their health is maintained and the basic needs of the elderly are met through disasters that occur.
In accordance with the COVID-19 prevention protocol, officers also provide health education on COVID-19 prevention to avoid transmission of COVID-19 while at the evacuation post and the importance of maintaining cleanliness to avoid getting sick.
The elderly were affected by the flood, Grandma Odah (65 years old) told the nurse while being examined, the flood that submerged her house that night when someone gave information that the river embankment had burst, grandmother Odah and her husband rushed to a safe place.
It is different with the story of Mak Ayun, a 67-year-old elderly who comes from Sumber Sari Village. Mak Ayun said that she had been in the evacuee camp for 2 days with other residents. By the time Mak Ayun was evacuated to the evacuation center, the water had pooled as high as the adult's chest and until now it is not known whether the water in the house and its surroundings has receded or not.
The rapid response of the "Budhi Dharma" Elderly Center Bekasi provides protection for the elderly affected by disasters as a form of the Ministry of Social Affairs being present in responding to disasters for the elderly so that their health is maintained and the basic needs of the elderly are met through disasters that occur.