TEMANGGUNG (20 APRIL 2023) – Ministry of Social
Affairs through "Kartini" Integrated Center Temanggung opens access
for the community to entrepreneurship, including persons with
disabilities. Now, no less than 22 persons with disabilities are
independently able to manage ATENSI Creation Center (SKA) in
"Kartini" Integrated Center Temanggung.
SKA Kartini Temanggung opened several types of businesses for
the beneficiaries. Armed with the skills from Kartini Integrated Center,
the beneficiaries have become increasingly skilled and are even able to manage
their employees' salaries.
“There is a cafe, laundry, barbershop, and massage. They
can pay for themselves. Not a penny of money from Center has been issued
to pay them,” explained the Head of “Kartini” Integrated Center, Iyan
Kusumadiana (5/4).
Ade Prasetyo Aji, a person with intellectual disabilities,
admitted that he was happy to be able to gain experience at SKA. He was jobless
before working at SKA. "After working here, thank God, I have increased my
skills," said the 24-year-old man.
Ade Prasetyo Aji familiarly called Ade joined SKA Kartini
Temanggung in 2021, 3 months after he became a beneficiary. When he
became a beneficiary, Ade chose culinary skills. Armed with this
experience, he is now a barista at SKA Kartini Cafe.
Every month, Ade gets a salary, food, uniforms, and
mess. He also has additional income from working part-time as an adaptive
guide rod assembler.
"Apart from increasing my income, I am also happy to be
able to help friends with visual disabilities with this stick," continued
At SKA Kartini, 10 persons with disabilities work in the cafe, 3 persons with disabilities in a barber and massage shop, and
9 persons with disabilities manage a laundry business. Some of them
joined a cooperative that runs a minimarket business called Kartini Mart.
They consisted of 24 persons with disabilities and 6 socially vulnerable women.
The business opportunity provided by "Kartini"
Integrated Center Temanggung to the beneficiaries seeks economic equity for all
levels of society. This effort provides new hope, especially for persons
with disabilities, to have a growing economy.
“I hope to be independent and one day open my own
business. "I have a plan and will realize it, God willing, in
Magelang," concluded Ade.
Bureau of Public Relations