JAKARTA (January 20th 2020) - Beneficiaries of BRS Watunas "Mulya Jaya" participated in the Livelihood activity. Livelihood Therapy is an activity that aim to prepare, train and improve the capabilities of Service Recipients in entrepreneurship and entering the world of work.

This goal is in accordance with the Progress 5.0 New Platform in advanced Social Rehabilitation which aims to increase the capability and social responsibility of PP after undergoing a period of rehabilitation in the center.

The types of Livelihood Therapy provided include high speed and manual sewing skills, food processing, handicrafts, and bridal / salon make-up. Through the skills provided, it is hoped that each Service Recipient will have the basic skills of a skilled entrepreneur and a marketing strategy that after returning to the family and society.

Livelihood Therapy activities are held every Monday to Friday at 13.00-15.30 WIB guided by special instructors in their respective fields. The Service Recipient is very enthusiastic and diligent in following every step directed by the instructor.