BATURRADEN (April 23, 2020) - The impact of COVID-19 spread is still felt in various sectors, including public services. Drug abuse victims rehabilitation services are exempt. To respond to this, BRSKPN "Satria" in Baturraden has been implementing a resocialization program to the PPKS (Social Welfare Service Recipients) since March 21, 2020 in accordance with the Circular Letter from the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation No.100/4/ KS.01/3/2020 on Instructions for Prevention of COVID-19 spread.

In an interview with social workers, Hendra Permana as Head of Social Rehabilitation Services Section revealed that the resocialization program is a program that puts ppks back to the family /guardian as a process of learning values in the family. Through this program, the family is expected to provide assistance while building positive communication with PPKS to support the recovery process from NAPZA dependency.

During the resocialization period, the Social Workers do not stop, but are more innovative.The enforcement of physical distancing makes social workers required to be adaptable, maximizing their communication technology devices and applications in the process of providing online services. As for one of the intervention techniques used by social workers is through online counseling. Social Worker will make a deal with PPKS and his family regarding the time and medium of communication that will be used for example whether to use WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram and so on. Through this digital communication medium, social worker can also monitor the developmental condition of PPKS and convey psychosocial therapy material. The provision of psychosocial material by social worker now has another color that shifts the monotonous impression that is common to appear on direct services.

Despite the provision of services online, social worker still upholds the principles and values of social work and adheres to the Code of Conduct of Social Workers of the Indonesian Association of Professional Social Worker. In addition, also pay attention to the guidelines on social work practices in covid-19 situations that are included in the Decree of the Chairman of the DPP-IPSPI Number: 005 / SK / IV / 2020.

Along with the online service process, supervision and case conference also continue. Digital media again provides great support in the current situation with various applications such as Zoom Meeting and Meet Kemsos.

Service-based digital given by Social Worker BRSKPN “Satria” in Baturraden during the period of resocialization is to get a positive response from the PPKS  and his family. One of them is Mrs. DNP mention that he felt happy to be able to consult with peksos when he experienced a difficult situation to face PPKS at home. In addition, the material presented add her insights on addiction and also help her to be more understand on her child's condition.