TASIKMALAYA (12 April 2021) - The Ministry of Social
Affairs through the "Galih Pakuan" Bogor Resident Center followed up on the
results of the assessment and observation of three punk children from
Tasikmalaya. This is following the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs
regarding the handling of the punk child phenomenon.
After spending a week at
the Sheltered Workshop Baraya owned by the "Galih Pakuan" Bogor Resident Center,
the three punk children were then sent back to their families in Tasikmalaya.
Within that one week, If, Ra and Re got steam motor skills. Besides, they
also get fulfillment services while they are at the Sheltered Workshop.
The follow-up assessment
was carried out as an extension of the previous screening results which stated
that If, Ra and Re misused Mextril benzodiazepine, with the category of
moderate use.
The results of further
assessment using the University Rhode Island Change Assessment Scale (URICA)
instrument showed that If and Re conditions were in the contemplation stage,
which was marked by a statement from them that they were indeed in a situation
of substance abuse problems and needed help.
A different condition was
seen in Ra, who was still in the pre-contemplation stage. Ra still feels that
his drug abuse behavior is not a problem and he doesn't need to get help.
Furthermore, the social
worker of "Galih Pakuan" Resident Center held several meeting sessions with If,
Ra and Re. One of the social workers in charge, Mulyana, revealed that what
they need now is to strengthen their motivation to change their negative
behavior and foster a commitment in themselves to start planning a better
future, one of which is an entrepreneurial development plan. "They
basically want a better future, entrepreneurship development can be a way to
help them not return to their negative behavior," said Mulyana.
Based on the results of screening, assessment, and several sessions of meetings and observations, on Monday, April 12, 2021, If, Ra and Re were sent home to their families in Tasikmalaya. Identification of the risk of substance use that is at a moderate level is one of their considerations to be returned to the family, while remaining under the guidance of the Tasikmalaya City Social Service.