PATI (2 May 2021) - The Ministry of Social
Affairs through the Disability Center "Margo Laras" Pati carried out residential-based reunification assistance for 25 beneficiaries to return to
their families from 27 April to 29 April 2021.
The PM came from Pati
Regency, Rembang Regency, Brebes Regency, Kendal Regency, Semarang Regency,
Sleman Regency and Kulonprogo, Yogyakarta
Province, Tuban Regency and Madiun Regency, Province of East Java.
Reunification was carried
out as well as providing attention assistance as a means of implementing skills
training that had been obtained during the 4 months residential-based rehabilitation
at the Margo Laras Pati Disability Center.
Beneficiaries have
received the ATENSI program from the Center, in the form of orientation and
introduction to service programs, physical therapy such as health care, mental
health checks by psychiatrists and assistance in taking routine medication by
nurses, ADL (activity daily living) guidance, mental physical discipline (MFD)
, sports and aerobic exercise by instructors, psychosocial therapy such as
psychological support and counseling by psychologists, communication and social
relations guidance, group activity therapy, morning meetings by a team of
social workers, then vocational training (skills) and entrepreneurial guidance
by instructors such as agriculture, fisheries., cultivation of mushrooms,
batik, handicrafts (making mats, trash baskets, etc.), cookery making pastries.
"Our beneficiaries
also participate in practical work activities at the place of agricultural,
cultivate mushrooms and batik entrepreneurs, to train them to work and apply
their skills in the business world, before they are sent back to their families
(reunification)", said Jiwaningsih.
Jiwa continued, saying
that the number of beneficiaries who were reunified was 25 people, while we
referred to the Kartini Temanggung Disability Center to get the ATENSI program
as well as train to work at the ATENSI Creation Center.
At the end of the service
program they get a practical work learning certificate and given the ATENSI
assistance ", said Jiwa.
Asep Hidayat, one of the companion for the reunification, said that they were very happy to get various ATENSI assistance according to the results of the assessment, such as goat, chicken farmings, selling pop ice, meatball balls, sewing, and so on.
"Hopefully this
ATENSI assistance is useful for the development of productive economic
businesses so that PM can be independent," hoped Asep.
This can be seen when we provide reunification
assistance, the faces of the beneficiaries are very happy and full of
enthusiasm and the family responds positively to their arrival, such as PM
Cariwi from Brebes when buying 1 goat from the ATENSI assistance provided.