JAKARTA (April 7th 2020) - Director of Social Rehabilitation for the Elderly, Andi Hanindito through teleconference chaired a Coordination Meeting with all Certain Functional Employees in the Directorate of Social Rehabilitation for Elderly (BRSLU "Budhi Dharma" Bekasi, BRSLU "Gau Mabaji" Gowa, and Loka Social Rehabilitation for Elderly (LRSLU) "Minaula" Kendari).

The agenda for the meeting discussed the acceleration of social assistance (bansos) and the distribution mechanism according to the Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) emergency situation.

In his direction, Andi Hanindito said that the population of the elderly (elderly) in the government of social assistance is increasing along with the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. In response to this, the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs through the Directorate of Social Rehabilitation for Elderly (Dit. Rehsos for Elderly) needs to be present to reach elderly people affected by COVID-19 through social assistance.

In carrying out this outreach, the readiness of all social assistance implementers, especially those on duty at Balai and Loka, is needed to accelerate the distribution of social assistance under limited circumstances, given that the Work From Home (WFH) mechanism and social distancing are effective.

Furthermore, discussions were also conducted regarding data, the Special Allocation Fund (DAK), Social Assistance for the Elderly (PSLU), social campaigns, case responses, accreditation and certification, accountability, and the Social Worker Law. "In implementing the social rehabilitation program for the elderly, all implementers must understand the technical instructions (juknis), brochures, leaflets and other instructions so that the implementation of the elderly social rehabilitation program runs well," said Andi.

At the end of the meeting which was attended by 70 participants, Andi Hanindito reaffirmed his direction, "I remind you that regarding the issue and emergency situation of COVID-19, adjustments must be made to the implementation of social assistance distribution".

Andi also planned that this meeting would continue with an agenda for discussion about emergency regulations in the face of the COVID-19 outbreak, updating the distribution of social assistance by Balai and Loka, and updating data on the number of accredited Elderly Social Welfare Institutions and urging all employees to postpone their personal agenda for "Mudik".