PEKANBARU (April 24, 2021) – The "Rumbai" Children's Center in Pekanbaru, which is a Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) belonging to the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs, is conducting an emergency response to flood victims as a form of Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) services for children in emergency situations.
Heavy rains have occurred again in Pekanbaru in the last few days and have caused flooding at several points. Hundreds of houses were flooded with a water level up to an adult's neck. Identification and information sourced from the Disaster Voluntary Workers (Tagana) of Riau Province, the location points for the floods were in Rejosari Village, Sungai Sibam Village, Tangkerang Labuai Village, Sukamulya Village, Sail Village, and Pematang Kapau Village. Residents affected by the floods have been evacuated by officers using rubber boats to safer locations.
In accordance with the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini that all Units of the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia must be responsive in handling disasters in their working areas through logistical support, Psychosocial Support Services (LDP), and Trauma Healing for disaster victims.
Based on this directive, the Rumbai Children's Center emergency response team in Pekanbaru provided Children's ATTENTION Services for flood victims, in this case, children in emergency situations. On Friday (23/4), the Team conducted an initial identification of the problems and needs of children affected by the floods. Coordinating with the Head of the Riau Province Social Service, Tengku Zul Effendi. The team went directly to the disaster site at Pesona Mandala Regency Housing, Shannon Regency 1 and 2 Housing, Sungai Sibam Village, Pekanbaru City. The team was assisted by local Tagana to arrive at the location.
The Head of the "Rumbai" Children's Center in Pekanbaru in this case represented by the Social Worker, Yustisia, explained that the purpose of the "Rumbai" Children's Center team in Pekanbaru was to map and collect data on the needs of flood victim children. "We are here to identify what the children and people here who are affected by the floods need."
The results of the identification and rapid assessment of officers in 2 locations, firstly in Sibam Village, Pekanbaru City, and the border of Kampar district, there were 3 houses affected by flooding due to the broken embankment and overflow of the Sibam river. Approximately 310 households were affected even though the water condition was starting to recede. The community needs items to fulfill a decent life and nutrition for children. The children at this location have not received any assistance. The second location is in the Rejosari sub-district, and the water condition has not receded yet. There are at least 146 affected households spread across 3 RWs. The water is still high, the children are still living in their homes, and some residents are on standby at the evacuation posts. The rapid assessment that was carried out showed that residents needed ready-to-eat food, fulfillment of a decent life, nutrition for children, and Psychosocial Support Services (LDP). The children until then had not received any assistance.
"It's receding sir, yesterday the water was still waist-deep here. We haven't gotten any assistance even though I have three children, we need toddler food and pampers too," said Resti, a flood-affected resident in Rejosari Village who is still living in House.
Based on the results of the team's mapping and data collection in the field, children affected by the floods need food and nutrition assistance. Responding to these conditions, the "Rumbai" Children's Center in Pekanbaru immediately distributed logistical assistance packages to meet the needs of a decent life in the form of milk, biscuits, forest honey, green beans, and others totaling 328 packages. 117 packages each in Rejosari Village, 150 packages in Sungai Sibam Village, 31 packages in Pematang Kapau Village, and 30 packages in Sail Village.
In addition to distributing logistical assistance packages. The social worker team at the Rumbai Children's Center in Pekanbaru conducted a rapid assessment, and provided assistance, reinforcement, and psychosocial support services to flood-affected children and families at several locations.