MERANTI ISLANDS (March 24, 2021) - The "Rumbai" Children's Center in Pekanbaru as the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs provides community-based Child Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) services in the Akit Tribe, Meranti Regency, Riau Province. Child ATENSI services in the Akit Tribe are aimed at clusters of children from minority groups and are isolated in accordance with the Children in Need of Special Protection (AMPK) cluster Article 59 paragraph 1 of Law no. 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection. The Akit tribe is one of the remote indigenous communities in Riau Province.

Child ATENSI activities for children from minority and isolated groups are carried out through 7 activity components, namely proper living support, social care and nurture, family support, therapy, entrepreneurship and vocational training, social assistance and support, and accessibility support.

The locus of Child ATENSI activities is divided into three villages, namely Batin Suir Village, Nerlang Village, Sungai Tohor Barat Village, and Kepau Baru Village. The journey from Pekanbaru City to Meranti Islands Regency takes approximately 5 hours, followed by 2 hours drive from downtown Meranti Islands Regency to the two villages. The trip must be taken using a speed boat and canoe to be able to reach the location points because you have to go along the river and adjust the tides.

The selection of the locus for Child ATENSI activities was based on the results of mapping the problems of AMPK together with the social worker service unit and the local District Social Welfare Worker (TKSK). A total of 173 children from the Akit Tribe, 32 Children in Confrontation with the Law (ABH), and 2 Children with HIV/AIDS (ADHIV) received family and community-based ATENSI services in the form of support for fulfilling a decent life in the form of nutritional package assistance. The team also carried out a rapid assessment related to the need for the ATENSI component for program sustainability.

"This Child ATENSI activity is ongoing, so at this time we are here to know the needs of younger siblings. Apart from nutrition, what are their needs? For example, for ABH Victims who are still traumatized by the events they have experienced, need psychological examination or therapy. So children's needs are not only in the form of goods," said the Social Worker of Center, Yustisia.

The Deputy Chief of the Akit Tribe in Nerlang Village, Tino, expressed his gratitude for the nutrition package that has been provided. He hopes that the children of the Akit Tribe will also get the same education as other children out there. Because so far, many teachers who have been placed are not comfortable because of the difficulty of accessing their villages.

"We agree with Mr. Tino that education is important. If there is an opportunity to meet, we will convey it to the Education Office or the Regent or the authorities. Because education is related to the Education Office, we are the Ministry of Social Affairs, it is related to social needs," said Yustisia.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Regent of the Meranti Islands Regency, Kamsol, accompanied by the Head of the Meranti Islands Regency Social Office, Agusyanto, said, "We are very grateful for the implementation of this activity and are happy to support and facilitate this kind of activity because it is in line with the vision and mission as the regional head. in the district of Meranti district."