JAKARTA (24 July 2021) - Director of Social Rehabilitation for the Elderly Ministry of Social Affairs, Andi Hanindito representing the Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini attended a webinar organized by the Muslim Brotherhood Institute in the context of launching Salimah Elderly School (SALSA) with the theme "The Role of Families in Improving Elderly Welfare".


Message from the Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini delivered by the Director of Social Rehabilitation for the Elderly, Andi Hanindito that currently the life expectancy of Indonesian people as a whole is 71.38 years, where the expected age for men is 69.44 years and women are 73.33 years. From data from the Central Statistics Agency, the life expectancy of both women and men, that women have equality with men and have important functions and roles in a family.


In the speech, it was also conveyed that quite a lot of elderly are successful, healthy, and enjoy happiness with their families, but not a few who experience a hard and difficult life in their old age because they live poor, neglected, and live alone. For this reason, the Ministry of Social Affairs is here to provide support for services and programs to realize happy elderly in old age.


The Ministry of Social Affairs presents the Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) program for the Elderly and all vulnerable groups such as Children, Persons with Disabilities, Homeless, Persons with Social Deviance Issues, Drug Abuse Victims in Indonesia. The ATENSI program can be accessed through the Social Rehabilitation Centers of MoSA RI throughout Indonesia.


Through ATENSI every elderly and other vulnerable groups can access 7 direct services, namely: Support for fulfilling a decent life; Social care and/or child care; Family support; Therapy (physical, psychosocial, and mental-spiritual therapy); Vocational training and entrepreneurship development; Social assistance and Accessibility support.


Gradually the Ministry of Social Affairs has carried out 5 important things in making efforts so that citizens can live happily in their old age, namely the Development of ATENSI Creation Centers (SKA) as a forum for empowering the elderly and other vulnerable groups; Providing modern and quality Accessibility Tools; Provide support for civil registration services to obtain NIK numbers at the Centers; Improve the Integrated Social Welfare Data; Conduct outreach services to the Elderly in emergencies.


The Salimah Elderly School Program is carried out informally with activities that are concerned with religion, health, psychology, economics, and skills, "We hope that these activities can synergize with our program, so that they can optimally serve the elderly to improve their welfare and Elderly Independence," said Andi.

The head of the Salimah Education and Training Department, Rusmiyati conveyed the RI Law no. 13 of 1998 on Elderly Welfare, that as a respect and appreciation for the elderly, the right to improve social welfare is given, including education and training services.

Furthermore, Rusmiyati explained that Salimah Elderly School (SALSA) is a general, mass, periodic, and thematic unit of Salimah activity with a special curriculum that aims to improve the quality of life of participants, namely increasing the knowledge and behavior of the elderly towards health to live a quality old age, knowing earlier the disease suffered by the elderly, increasing independence in aspects of physical, psychological, social, and spiritual health.

"We are trying as hard as we can to prepare this Elderly School guide to be adapted to a competency-based curriculum, meaning that we hope that what we are doing is something that can be measured and traced, and what we are doing is solely to improve the quality of the elderly in Indonesia," said Rusmiyati.

There are four topics in the Elderly School manual, namely religion, implementing good religious teachings in the elderly, psychology, carrying out stress therapy activities in the elderly, health, activities, a healthy lifestyle in old age, economics and skills, activities build good self-reliance in the elderly.

Probosuseno as the Head of KSM and Head of Geriatric Clinic Dr. RSUP. Sardjito conveyed the role of family and community so that the elderly are safe, namely facilitating and maintaining good habits and providing facilities that make physically, mentally and socially healthy.

President Commissioner of PT Paragon Technology and Innovation, Nurhayati Subakat explained to maintain productivity in old age by applying 5 values ​​including God, believing in the existence and power of God Almighty, caring, upholding the values ​​of togetherness and compassion, humility, realizing that everyone has strengths and weaknesses, toughness, living life with joy and high fighting power and innovation, namely always developing new and better things every day.

"Not everyone is given the opportunity to live the days of old age, let's live this opportunity with full meaning and benefit for others," said Nurhayati.

Dimas Seto and Dhini Aminarti, who are public figures, shared how to carry out the role of the family in assisting the elderly, "We do this assistance because of worship, we seek the blessings of our parents, we use their time as well as possible to get the grace and blessing, but it is also necessary to have the sciences we learn are mainly related things because we haven't felt old if we hope to be a productive old age," said Dimas Seto.