Banjarnegara (November 3, 2022) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through Satria Baturraden Center together with Banjarnegara Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Social Office supported the establishment of "Nusa Indah" Mental Health Center (Posyandu) in Lemah Jaya Village, which was the first Mental Health Center in Wanadadi District, Banjarnegara Regency.


Mental Health Center is a form of concern so that people with health problems (ODMK) and people with mental disorders (ODGJ) can manage their lives better. This routine activity is guided by nurses and village cadres who have been trained in mental health.


Satria Center Baturraden also encourages the formation of a mental health center as a form of handling social problems with a community-based approach.


"Mental health is an interesting issue because, without the support of their families and communities, it is difficult for them to recover. This Center is a medium to help, not only the people but also prepare their families to accept them back. And Lemahjaya Village is a pioneer," said Darmanto, Head of "Satria" Center Baturraden.


Appreciation was also conveyed by Noor Tamami, Head of Banjarnegara Social Office for the multi-service collaboration established with the center, including disaster response.


Kasih Wulandari, a nurse at Wanadadi I Health Center said that several times the mental health center activities took place, they received positive responses from Social Welfare Service Recipients (PPKS) and their families.


"For every activity, they usually come accompanied by their families. They are given self-care training including daily self-care, health checks, assistance with taking medication, education for families, and home visits. Currently, there are 21 (People Living With HIV/AIDS) PLWHA participating in this activity", Ndari said.


When trying to interact with PPKS who can communicate quite well, they feel happy with the presence of a mental health center. Even now he is starting to be trained to become a cadre so that he can motivate his other friends.


"I have been taking medication for 10 years. Every day I work as a parking attendant. I am happy that there are additional activities here (mental health center)", said D (41).

On this occasion, Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) was also distributed in the form of fulfilling basic needs and self-care equipment to 30 (thirty) social welfare service recipients (PPKS), namely ODGJ, the elderly, and people with disabilities in the Wanadadi Village Hall.

The mental health center is one of the comprehensive social services. Apart from prevention and reducing the risk of a person experiencing psychiatric disorders, it also contains elements of empowerment. This is an important point that is in line with the goal of social rehabilitation, which is to restore the social functioning of PPKS.