BEKASI (October 21st, 2019) - "Pangudi Luhur" Social Rehabilitation Center for ex-homeless and beggars Bekasi conducts HIV / AIDS prevention socialization activities for the service recipient of Social Welfare Services Recipient (PPKS) program for two and four months at the rehabilitation center Hall.

In this activity, present Secretary of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation, Idit Supriadi Priatna gave directions as well as officially opening activities. Idit said that HIV disease arises as a result of promiscuity leading to free sex because 80% of PLHIV PPHs were rehabilitated in Sukabumi due to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) behavior.

"The key to all these problems is to strengthen worship according to religion teachings and associate with good people so that they are not affected by negative things. We hope that after participating in social rehabilitation activities, PPKS will not return to vagrancy or live on the road because free association is only pseudo pleasure," Idit said.

In the future, Idit advised the Social Welfare Services Recipient, that communication relationships with peers who have good intentions, relationships with family, friends should be improved, as well as a good future.

HIV / AIDS prevention socialization activities were attended by 80 potential PPKS who are currently taking part in a series of physical, psychosocial, mental spiritual and livelihood therapies at the "Pangudi Luhur" BRSEGP. Wahyu Sumbawati, a doctor from the Karangkitri Community Health Center, was the resource person for this activity by delivering HIV / AIDS prevention and reproductive health materials.