SURABAYA (30 May 2021) - The commemoration of the 25th National Elderly Day on May 29 went well. With the theme "Happy Elderly with Family", the Ministry of Social Affairs proves its respect for the dedication of the elderly to their family, community and country.

The meaning of this theme is that the family is the smallest social institution which to nurture love. 

Social Minister Tri Rismaharini stated that this commemoration is a greeting to the elderly who had made extraordinary contributions and enthusiasm to produce generations that could continue the struggle of the nation's founders and heroes.

Therefore the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Social Offices continue to strive to ensure the rights of the elderly are fulfilled without any exception.

"We are developing ATENSI (Social Rehabilitation Assistance) Creation Centers in several Centers (Balai) which are expected to provide services for the elderly from assistive devices, accessibility, and providing support for population services," said the Social Minister in Surabaya (29/05/21).

Therefore, the synergy of the central government, regional government, including the social offices need to continue. So that the handling of elderly services through a comprehensive program will preserve.

"We care, we are ready to help. We prove it through our presence during the celebration of the National Elderly Day 2021, "said Abdul Madjid, Head of Section for Children and the Elderly, East Java Province Social Office.

The Social Minister also stated her idea of forming an elderly Posyandu (Integrated Service Post), where the elderly could tell stories, do productive activities and do exercises together so that they could care for one another.

"The Ministry of Social Affairs will continue to care for the elderly in Indonesia and abroad so that they can spend their time with joy, happiness and attention," said the Social Minister.

Public Relations Bureau
Ministry of Social Affairs