TEMANGGUNG (April 11, 2021) - In order to obtain an overview for developing an ATENSI Creation Center (SKA), the "Galih Pakuan" Residential Center has again conducted benchmarking at the "Antasena" Children's Center in Magelang and the "Kartini" Center for Disabilities in Temanggung.

A team of 13 people chaired by the Head of the "Galih Pakuan" Residential Center arrived at the Antasena Children's Center in Magelang on Friday evening April 9, 2021. The "Galih Pakuan" Residential Center team was greeted by the Head of the Antasena Children's Center Faisal and his staff. Antasena Center SKA includes cafe business units, repair shops and car steamers, home industries making pastries, beauty salons, barbershops, handy crafts, welding workshops, electronic equipment services, and laundry.

The diversity of business units in the Antasena Children's Center became an inspiration for the "Galih Pakuan" Center Team to further develop the SKA business sector. The involvement of beneficiaries in running SKA at Antasena Children's Center is carried out as a form of training their entrepreneurial abilities. "For us, this SKA also supports the completion of the social rehabilitation process at this Center," said the Head of the Administration Sub-Division of Antasena Children's Center Arif Nur Hidayat.

In this Benchmarking activity, the "Galih Pakuan" Residential Center Team also visited the "Kartini" Center for Disabilities in Temanggung. Here the "Galih Pakuan" Residential Center Team had the opportunity to visit several business places that participated in enlivening SKA at the "Kartini" Disability Center, namely Cafe Kartini, D'TEL Coffee, culinary centers, Kartini Mart, and laundry.

As stated by one of the SKA management teams at the Center for Disabilities "Kartini" Suryo Sutiyoso that the existence of SKA must involve all parties at the Center so that employees at the Center have a sense of belonging and will contribute to improving SKA. "All employees are involved in the development of this SKA, it is hoped that they will also have a stake in the success of this SKA," said Suryo on the sidelines of a discussion with the Team from the "Galih Pakuan" Residential Center.

Furthermore, the Head of "Galih Pakuan"  Residential Center Ujang Taofik Hidayat said that he hoped that this Benchmarking activity would continue to provide inspiration for ideas and ideas for the development of SKA. "Many things can be implemented at the "Galih Pakuan" Residential Center SKA from the results of visits to these 2 centers," said Ujang.

Innovation in developing types of business and increasing the commitment of all elements of human resources within the Center is an important lesson in this Benchmarking activity. In addition, the development of SKA needs to be supported by building networking with various parties who can contribute to providing support for the smooth running, development, and success of the ATENSI Creation Center.