JAKARTA (February 20, 2023) - Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini visited the Handayani Sentra in Jakarta on Monday (20/02). Risma came to meet and handed over IDR 62,953,163 to "AS" Beneficiary (PM) with a tumor on his face that has been successfully operated on with assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs and support from kitabisa.com.


"AS" is a child of the married couple Muhana and Arsanah, farm workers from Pandeglang, Banten, who have suffered from a tumor since he was one year old. "AS" received services from Handayani Center based on previous referrals from Galih Pakuan Bogor Center, which aimed to facilitate distance access when undergoing examination and treatment at RSCM Central Jakarta.


The collected donations from kitabisa.com will be used for the medical expenses of "AS". Meanwhile, the ATENSI aid provided by Galih Pakuan Bogor Center and Jakarta Handayani Center fulfilled basic needs, nutrition, school supplies, teaching aids and games, psychosocial support services, parenting, and assistance during the treatment process.


"Thank you for the cooperation from Kitabisa.com foundation which has synergized with us so that funds are collected for medical expenses and needs during "US" care at the hospital, I hope that your condition will improve after surgery," she said.


In addition to medical expenses, Risma also assisted with working capital to sell vegetables for "US" parents. Arsanah, AS' mother said, thank you to Minister Risma, “I hope we can use this assistance to support our daily lives," she concluded.


On this occasion, Risma who was accompanied by a representative from kitabisa.com Dhiah Triarini, Director of Child Social Rehabilitation Kanya Eka Santi, Head of Galih Pakuan Center Siti Sari Rumayanti, Head of Handayani Center Romal Sinaga and Acting Head of Handayani Center Administration, Meerada Sariaty, had the opportunity to visit Bambu Apus ATENSI Creation Center (SKA).


Risma greeted and motivated PMs working at SKA. She hopes that they will continue to be enthusiastic so that they experience an increase in turnover while selling and don't forget to continue to be grateful, "Multiple words of gratitude for God's blessings so far, hopefully in the future it will be even better," said Risma while enjoying the culinary offerings of the PMs at SKA Bambu Apus