CIBINONG (January 19, 2020) - Social Minister Juliari P. Batubara hopes that people with disabilities can get greater access to jobs in both the government and private sectors. Especially if they have adequate skills and are certified.

 "This is the largest training center for disabilities in Southeast Asia. Apart from that, the equipment is also complete. So, I ask the beneficiaries (PM) who are given guidance here to have greater opportunities in the world of work," said Juliari during his working visit to Cibinong, Bogor Regency, West Java, Monday (10/01/2020).

 On that occasion, the Minister of Social Affairs and his entourage visited the Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Intellectual Disabilities (BRSPDI) Ciung Wanara and the Vocational Rehabilitation Center for People with Disabilities (BBRVPD), in Cibinong, Bogor. During this visit, the Minister of Social Affairs also had the opportunity to inaugurate Beneficiary Students Class XXIII of 2020 at BBRVPD Cibinong Bogor.

 Juliari reminded, in Law no. 8 of 2016 concerning People with Disabilities, there is an obligation for government agencies to provide 2% job opportunities for them. And as much as 1% for the business world.

 "I had a discussion with the Bogor Deputy Regent Iwan Setiawan. Please socialize the mandate of the law both in government and among the business world. There are a lot of companies in Bogor,” said Juliari after discussing with Iwan Setiawan about the provisions in Law No.8 / 2016

 Juliari fully understands the benefits of the services provided by the two halls for people with disabilities. In the future, he hopes that he can further develop the existing facilities, including adding more beneficiaries.

 "Right now, in six months there are 120 people, or about 240 people a year. In the future, it can be increased to around 300 people. In principle, I want this hall to have more benefits for the community, especially for the surrounding community, "said Juliari.

 During the visit to the two halls, Juliari reviewed the activities and the guidance carried out to the beneficiaries who received services here.

 Director General of Social Rehabilitation Edi Suharto stated that the training held at the Ministry of Social Affairs was very good. "Many companies have absorbed our beneficiaries. Because they are certified and trained. Apart from that because their personalities are diligent, enthusiastic, in some aspects they exceed a normal workforce," said Edi.

 Regarding the Social Minister's plan to increase the capacity of the hall, Edi welcomed it. For this reason, the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation will make good calculations regarding the facilities to be upgraded, including the need for facilitator.

 In this activity, Juliari gave a speech and inaugurate the Class XXIII Beneficiary Students of 2020 from BBRVPD Cibinong Bogor (111 people from 26 provinces in Indonesia) and BRSPDI Ciung Wanara Bogor (25 people).

 To the newly accepted beneficiaries, Juliari advised to take advantage of this opportunity as well as possible because many people with disabilities in this republic have not had the opportunity to take part in the learning and teaching process like them.

 “This opportunity is a provision for you to face a better future. Like a painter, now is the time when you are asked to paint a picture of the future that you want to achieve one day. If you want the image to be good and beautiful, then use this opportunity to the fullest by studying hard, learning smart and sincere,” he said.

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Ministry of Social Affairs