BEKASI (27 May 2020) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation has prepared Temporary Shelters (TPS) at Social Rehabilitation Centers for the Jakarta and Bekasi areas, as an effort to handle displaced residents affected by COVID-19. In order to monitor the condition of services provided to residents affected by COVID-19 who have received protection at TPS, the Minister of Social Affairs, Juliari P. Batubara, made a visit to the temporary shelter of the Social Rehabilitation Center in Bekasi City.

During his visit, the Minister of Social Affairs who was accompanied by the Deputy Mayor of Bekasi, Tri Adhianto, Secretary of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation, Idit Supriadi Priatna and Head of the Netra Center “Tan Miyat”, Ch. Iriani Rahayuningsiwi, greeted Mrs. "K", one of the beneficiaries at temporary shelter of "Tan Miyat" Visual Sensory Disability Center , "I have been here since May 5, 2020, with my two children. I used to rent and work daily at the Laundry House. But because of COVID-19, I was laid off, so I don't have a daily income, while I have to fulfill my living needs and have to rent. I received information that there is a temporary shelter here, so I chose to stay here temporarily,” explained Mrs. “K”.

In addition, the temporary shelter of "Tan Miyat" Visual Sensory Disability Center is also inhabited by a 25-year-old blind woman who, prior to the outbreak of COVID-19 in the Greater Jakarta area, worked as a masseur in a salon.

On this occasion, Tri Adhianto said, "I will refer residents affected by COVID-19 in Bekasi City to the Ministry of Social Affairs temporary shelter," Juliari also welcomed the statement.

As mandated by the Director General of Social Rehabilitation, Harry Hikmat on a previous visit, the temporary shelter of "Tan Miyat" Visual Sensory Disability Center is devoted to accommodating women who have been laid off and children, who will provide maximum services for three months. In addition, to visit temporary shelter of "Tan Miyat" Visual Sensory Disability Center the Minister of Social Affairs along with the Deputy Mayor of Bekasi also visited the temporary shelter of "Pangudi Luhur" Disability Center which handles former homeless people, and temporary shelter of "Pangudi Luhur" Elderly Center.