BEKASI (November 13, 2019) - Director General of Social Rehabilitation of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs Edi Suharto opened the Social Worker Goes To School (PGTS) Workshop on Anti Violence in Children with the keyword "Happy School". This event was held in order to increase the understanding, abilities, and skills of teachers and accompanying teachers in providing assistance and counseling for students.
The direction of future development policies will be more focused on the development of Human Resources (HR). Children as the next generation of development are an important part of the direction of government policy. A lot of violence against children is caused by a hostile environment. So it is necessary to create a good atmosphere for growth and development. "We must love the children at school, so that there is no negative stigma against them," said Edi Suharto in his presentation on Happy School.
Edi said that the characteristics of a happy school are emotional bonds among school members, adequate school facilities, a variety of creative and practical activities, cooperation-oriented and a symbol of happiness in the school environment.
The activity which was held from 13 to 16 November 2019 presented 38 participants. These participants consisted of educators and accompanying teachers from West Java and Jabodetabek. The hope is that with this activity, educators and accompanying teachers can create a happy school atmosphere to support children's social rehabilitation, especially in the school environment.