PEKANBARU (December 3, 2020) - The Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs through the "Rumbai" Children's Center in Pekanbaru held the Social Worker Activities Goes to School (PGTS) to SMP Negeri 6 Pekanbaru City. This activity was attended by 40 students in grades 7, 8 and 9 and was held in the field of SMPN 6.
Through this activity, the team from "Rumbai" Children's Center consisting of Social Workers and Social Counselors raised the theme of bullying and other juvenile delinquency that is rife among students today. This is because juvenile delinquency is currently increasing since the pandemic due to the high use of social media and the internet which is one of the means of carrying out these delinquent acts.
Lisdawati, Social Worker conveys what are examples of bullying and juvenile delinquency that often occur and are done unconsciously by many teenagers today. In addition, she also explained the causes and consequences of bullying and other delinquency so that it was hoped that the students who attended could prevent and avoid such actions from being carried out by them.
Ekagrata Henja Angora, Social Counselor also gave an example to students how to deal with bullying. "If you say that being indifferent is one way to deal with bullying, we think it's one of the right steps to make your emotions more stable. Because the more angry and sad you are with their words and actions, it makes you think more and will damage your confidence," he said.
Social Worker Goes to School, a Preventive Effort in Overcoming Children's Problems
Humas Balai Rumbai Pekanbaru
Intan Qonita N
Intan Qonita N