JAMBI (December 5th 2019) - Social Rehabilitation Center for Children who Need Special Protection (BRSAMPK) "Alyatama" in Jambi proposed two Social Workers (Peksos), namely Maizon Hendri and Sarah Kurniati Rahayu to participate in verification in the context of selecting the 2019 outstanding social workers. The activity will last for 3 days, December 4th to 6th 2019.
Heryana and Sherly Natalia are a team of assessors and verifiers who will carry out a series of selections to social workers whose names are submitted. The things that were verified were related to the capability and integrity of the social workers, as well as the acceptability of the social worker by the Social Welfare Service Recipients (PPKS) and their working partners as well as the connectivity of the social workers with other service stakeholders. The assessment team also asked for a direct response from the Head of BRSAMPK "Alyatama", Imron Rosadi as the superior of the two social workers.