GOWA (February 6th 2020) - The population of elderly (elderly) which tends to increase must be balanced with efforts to improve the quality of human life in Indonesia. Awareness about services for the elderly in the community often creates a stigma that the elderly are individuals who can not do anything.

Many people think that the elderly are just a heavy burden for the family. It is not uncommon for us to find elderly people who used to have extraordinary life journeys now just stay at their homes.

It is thoughts like these that social workers are trying to change. Social workers at the "Gau Mabaji" Center for Elderly Social Rehabilitation (BRSLU) in Gowa break all the bad stigma against the elderly by conducting various kinds of therapy for the elderly.

One of them is the therapy carried out today, namely vocational therapy. Vocational therapy is a therapy that provides skills for the elderly so that they can be efficient, independent and productive. Vocational therapy activity carried out is painting flower pots.

Social workers prepare tools and materials according to the assessment of the ability of the elderly. Then the elderly are free to create according to their imagination. "Social workers prepare materials and assist the elderly in conducting vocational therapy, the rest we free the elderly to carry out these activities. Today the elderly are painting flower pots according to their wishes" said Suriyani, BRSLU Social Worker "Gau Mabaji" in Gowa.

With this activity, it can be proven that the results of vocational therapy are that the elderly are also able to be efficient and carry out activities properly if they get the right service.