GOWA (November 29, 2019) - In addition to psychosocial therapy and livelihood therapy, therapy performed for the elderly at the Elderly Social Rehabilitation Center (BRSLU) "Gau Mabaji" In Gowa is physical therapy and Spiritual Mental therapy.
Every Friday, the elderly conduct physical therapy. Physical therapy is Prolanis gymnastics and joint gymnastics. The gymnastics instructor modeled the movement, then the elderly followed suit.
Physical therapy can create a sense of happiness and passion for the elderly, but this activity can also help channel emotions through movements packed with interesting strains of music.
Physical therapy activities lead by Rahmi, as a gymnastics instructor. In addition, social workers and nurses also accompany the elderly in the implementation of activities.
"In addition to creating a sense of joy, gymnastics also helps the body to stay fresh and fit because it trains bones and joints remain strong, as well as encouraging the heart to work optimally," Rahmi said.
After physical therapy activities, the activities continued with spiritual mental therapy led by Nurlinah, as the Mental builder BRSLU "Gau Mabaji" in Gowa.
Today's activities are conducted for the elderly who are Muslim. Mental Builder gave a brief lecture at Musholla BRSLU "Gau Mabaji" Gowa. The discourse given about death, but also the elderly, is advised to Dhikr and remember the name of Allah SWT.
"Dhikr and remember the name of Allah in addition to improving the relationship to Allah SWT is also one way meditation to calm down and prevent excessive depression in the elderly," said Nurlinah.
In addition to lectures, mental builders provide opportunities for the elderly to share their experiences. On Friday, full of blessings, the elderly are doing good activities for both their physical and spiritual health