MAKASSAR (April 20th 2020) - To increase the capacity of employees in charge of providing technical services, the “Wirajaya” Social Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities (BRSPDF) in Makassar held an online Counseling Technical Guidance (Bimtek).

The activity that presented an academic speaker from the Bandung Social Welfare Polytechnic (Kesos), Tuti Kartika, was attended by 35 (thirty five) employees, namely structural and technical officers, both Social Workers (Peksos), psychologists, nurses, and Social Counselor (Pensos) , as well as skills instructors.

The plan is for the counseling activities to continue in the second session on Wednesday (22/04/2020), which discusses the practical application of the previous session's material, about "Getting to know counseling in dealing with Disability Problems".

In her presentation, Tuti said that everyone has the potential to become a counselor, but there are codes of ethics and rules that must be considered in conducting counseling, so that the objectives of counseling can be achieved.

Meanwhile, the Head of BRSPDF "Wirajaya" in Makassar, Syaiful Samad, said that the implementation of this counseling is very important and a measure, even though in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic situation, employees must remain productive in carrying out their duties in providing social rehabilitation services for Persons with Physical Disabilities. "Even working from home, employees are expected to still be able to provide social rehabilitation services for Beneficiaries (PM) in Balai," said Syaiful.

Furthermore, Syaiful also hopes that Balai employees must remain productive in providing services for persons with disabilities, in accordance with the direction of the Director General of Social Rehabilitation (Dirjen Rehsos) of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Harry Hikmat. Of course, the Counseling Guidance is a strategic step to increase the productivity of social rehabilitation services for people with disabilities in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. "Even though there is a COVID-19 pandemic, employees must remain creative and productive in order to provide social rehabilitation services for persons with disabilities," concluded Syaiful.