BOGOR (24 February 2021) - Collaborating with the Widyatama Art Therapy Center, the Ministry of Social Affairs through the Disability Center "Ciungwanara" held a strengthening of employee competencies with art therapy training. The training, which was attended by 20 employees of certain functional positions, was held in the meeting room of the Ciungwanara Disability Center.


The event was opened by the Head of the Center, Siti Sari Rumayanti. In her speech, Sari revealed that the purpose of this activity is to prepare human resources capable of providing excellent and up to date social rehabilitation assistance (ATENSI) services so that skills are needed to deal with these conditions.


"I hope you can follow and absorb this art therapy material well so that we as community servants can provide ATENSI services to the beneficiaries," said Sari.


The first speaker was the founder of the Widyatama Art Therapy Center, Anne Nurfarina. Starting the training, she said that art therapy is a process of self-expression.


"The main goal of this art therapy is not the result of the painting, but how the work can represent the feelings of persons with disabilities," said Anne.


The employees then learn the basic techniques of drawing and painting by providing various equipments. The activity then continued with material from the Lecturer of Poltekesos, Meiti Subardhini. He explained the role of social workers in the case management process for persons with disabilities.


"Social workers are specialized as the spearhead in case management and cooperate with other professions related to issues of persons with disabilities such as psychosocial, biological / physical/health, education, work skills and spirituality," said Meiti. She also explained some models and steps in case management.


The activity was then continued with discussions and QnA with employees.