BOGOR (January 29, 2021) - Ciungwanara Disability Center carries out Employee Development activities as a continuation of the plan to implement the Social Rehabilitation Assistance Program (ATENSI). This activity was carried out in the meeting room and was attended by 55 employees consisting of structural officials, functional officials, and government employee non civil servants (PPNPN).
The event was moderated by the Head of Subdivision of TU with the resource person from the Head of the Ciungwanara Disability Center, Siti Sari Rumayanti. The activity began with the signing of the PNS Integrity Pact and the 2021 PPNPN Work Agreement.
On this occasion, the Head of the Center conveyed that the target for the 2021 Work Plan would be even greater.
"For 2021 the implementation of ATENSI at our Center has a target of 2265 beneficiaries (PM), please understand the Minister of Social Affairs Regulation No. 16 of 2020, in addition to the previous rules related to disability. I hope that all employees, both ASN and PPNPN can take part in supporting the smooth process and success ATENSI service carried out at the Ciungwanara Center," said Sari in her presentation.
"In the future, PMs who receive ATENSI services must have an ATENSI ATM card made as savings from the business they run, therefore PMs must have identity cards in the form of Identity Card (KTP) and Family Card (KK) and the Center must be able to help them with that," Sari explained later. The activity was continued with the presentation of the achievements of the Head of Social Office, Lisdiana.
"As of January 29, 2021, there have been 71 PMs who have received ATENSI services, including ATENSI Assistance services for victims affected by natural disasters and case responses. For the next ATENSI service plan, we will work closely with assistants and social welfare agency (LKS) in several areas in West Java such as Indramayu, West Bandung, Ciamis, etc," said Lisdiana.
The activity was then continued with discussions and questions and answers with employees.
Humas Ditjen Rehabilitasi Sosial
David Myoga
Intan Qonita N