MASAMBA (18 February 2021) - Responding to the increasingly complex social problems of the elderly in Indonesia, the Ministry of Social Affairs through the “Gau Mabaji” Center for Elderly Social Rehabilitation (BRSLU) in Gowa carried out the Dissemination of the Elderly Social Rehabilitation Assistance Program (ATENSI LU).


ATENSI LU as a program to restore the social functioning of the Beneficiary (PM) has a general goal of increasing the ability of individuals, families and communities to meet basic needs, carry out social duties and roles, and overcome problems in their lives. As the result, on this occasion the Hall conducted dissemination as well as strengthening the role of the family in providing social services for the elderly.


Based on information from the North Luwu Regency Social Service, there are 15 thousand elderly in 15 districts. This data is the basis for the need for attention to social services for the elderly in North Luwu Regency.


"We hope that North Luwu can become the front guard of the Ministry of Social Affairs, especially the Gau Mabaji Elderly Center to carry out the handling of the elderly in the Social Rehabilitation Assistance Program for the Elderly," said Wahidin, Head of the "Gau Mabaji" Elderly Center in Gowa.


This activity involved the North Luwu Regency Social Service, Sub-district Social Welfare Staff Members (TKSK), Social and Community Observers was carried out in the Hall of the North Luwu Regency Social Service, South Sulawesi Province.


The Head of the North Luwu Regency Social Service, Basse Andi Pabeangi, expressed his gratitude and enthusiasm in welcoming the ATENSI LU Program.


"We are very enthusiastic and thankful for Hall's care and quick response to the elderly which we really need," said Basse.


In the future, the stronger role of the family in providing good services for the elderly is expected to reduce the number of neglected elderly people.