BEKASI (February 6, 2021) - To succeed the Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) program and refresh the capabilities, knowledge, skills and attitudes of human resources (HR), improve the competence and capacity of functional HR as well as internal and external consolidation, the Directorate of Social Rehabilitation for Persons with Social Deviance Issues and Victims of Trafficking in Persons (Directorate of RSTS and KPO) of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs, held an Internal Coordination Meeting from 3 to 6 February 2021.

The Director of RSTS and KPO, Waskito Budi Kusumo said that the Internal Coordination Meeting is a consolidation of organizations to harmonize and coordinate thoughts and actions in the context of reorienting and revitalizing programs, institutions and Directorate HR in carrying out their main tasks and functions to realize the successful implementation of the ATENSI program.

“The program must be running, because we are now a vocal point at the Ministry of Social Affairs. We must cooperate and move forward together to make the ATENSI program a success. Prove that we can complete the tasks and jobs assigned by the leadership," said Budi. He also asked the Center or Loka to remain compact and accelerate and move forward even better.

Budi motivates all his staff to be able to work professionally, start all activities or work with the intention of worship, be sincere and always think positively so that work can be optimal. "Second, understand the main tasks and functions of our work. After mastering the main duties, knowledge, so we know, understand, and live the knowledge. Working is not just an administrative process,” said Budi.

Therefore, it takes hard work to correct yourself whether you understand or not with what you are doing. It is hoped that from this self-understanding, a better attitude and work ethic will emerge. Budi emphasized that the work must be complete and its success measurable.

"Take care of your health, take care of your family because COVID-19 has entered our living circle. Apply health protocols, don't stress, be happy and always think positively. It's good to be healthy. I hope that my co-workers are comfortable, comfortable, safe, happy," said Budi.

Secretary of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation, Idit Supriadi Priatna in his direction conveyed that ATENSI operational guidelines had been prepared in all directorates and were being refined. Idit hopes that the Center/Lokawill learn and understand the ATENSI business process so that the ATENSI program can be implemented optimally.

“The capacity of the Center/Loka human resources (HR) must be developed, and their ability to be upgraded again in providing services. Arrange from now on, convey to the Secretariat the need for social and social human resources training both at the head office and at social welfare centers," said Idit. The need for social rehabilitation human resources training both at the head office and at social rehabilitation centers will be submitted to the Agency for Education, Research and Social Extension (Badiklit) for immediate fulfillment.

Secretary of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation, Idit Supriadi Priatna, said that regarding the 2021 budget savings, it is hoped that the Social Rehabilitation Center/Loka will have prepared an austerity plan. After the savings, a budget redesign will be carried out. In accordance with the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Tri Rismaharini, the use of the budget is prioritized for expanding the reach of social rehabilitation services to Social Welfare Service Recipients (PPKS).

“The Social Minister wants to expand the reach of social social services in all clusters. We need our speed to reallocate the budget,” continued Idit. Another priority is the procurement of Center/Loka equipment, especially the latest/sophisticated skills training equipment. In the future, Center/Loka will no longer conduct conventional skills training.

"The task of Center, how do we open the horizon / insight that out there, what kind of business that is marketable," said Idit. Buildings that have been badly damaged and whose function is no longer needed, should be removed, replaced with green open areas or pedestrian paths. “When doing designs for renovations, accessibility for people with disabilities is the main thing. Make sure the facilities and infrastructure can be accessed by people with disabilities and other clusters," concluded Idit.

This Internal Coordination Meeting presented resource persons from Ministries/Institutions, namely the Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (Kemenpan RB), the State Treasury Service Office (KPPN) and the State Civil Service Agency (BKN).

Aba Subagja, Assistant Deputy for Career Management and Human Resources Talent of the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform, conveyed material related to efforts to build a career development system, work relationships and build post-equalization functional position readiness. Furthermore, Farhan Abdi Utama from the State Personnel Agency (BKN) explained the implications of simplifying the bureaucracy in the management of personnel. A resource person from the State Treasury Service Office (KPPN) Iwan Dwi Kuswoyo, explained material related to evaluation and strategies to overcome the shortcomings of achieving the 2020 Budget Performance Indicators and the strategy for achieving them in 2021.

Furthermore, the explanations from the heads of Center/Loka related to the implementation of the ATENSI program in each Center/Loka. The workshops/workshops are the Medan “Bahagia” Center, the Bekasi “Pangudi Luhur” Center, the “Mulya Jaya” Training Center in Jakarta, the Ternate “Wasana Bahagia” Center, the Sukabumi “Kahuripan” Loka, and the “Pangurangi” Takalar Loka.

The Internal Coordination Meeting was attended by Balai/Loka employees and employees in the RSTS and  KPO Directorate who attended in person and virtually.