BATURRADEN (January 16, 2020) - To increase volunteers quality of the "Drug-Free Prosperous Village", the "Satria" Drug Abuse Victims Rehabilitation Center (BRSKP NAPZA “Satria”) in Baturraden cooperated with the Center for Social Welfare Education and Training Yogyakarta (BBPPKS Yogyakarta) in providing guidance and education to the volunteers.

The activity was carried out in two sessions. The first was in Kemutug Lor Village, Baturraden District which had been inaugurated as a "Drug-Free Prosperous Village". On this occasion, Prih Wardoyo and Totok Sumardiyanto, Widyaiswara from BBPPKS Yogyakarta delivered his speech entitled "Top-notch Volunteers". Another guest speaker was Baturraden Sub-District Head.

The second session was held at the Information and Education Center (PIE) of the BRSKP NAPZA "Satria" in Baturraden. Restyaningsih, Head of BRSKP NAPZA "Satria" Baturraden said that PIE Napza Baturraden was a public service owned by BRSKP NAPZA "Satria" Baturraden that could be used by general public to obtain information and education related to the dangers of drug abuse.

Hendra Permana as Section Head of Social Rehabilitation Services explained five programs developed by PIE NAPZA "Satria" Baturraden, namely the Drug Information and Education Gallery (GARASI), Psychosocial Therapy Services (LAPIS), Car for Rehabilitation and Education (C4RE), KoPIE Shop, and Drug Information and Education Center (PIEN) Access.

"Public could access PIE NAPZA by coming directly or through social/online media. In fact, public can consult with us through available contact center," said Hendra. Further, PIE NAPZA Baturraden would continue to develop contents on the dangers of drug abuse along with the acceleration of current information.