TEMANGGUNG (November 6, 2019) - In collaboration with Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI), Temanggung Branch Office, Center for Social Rehabilitation of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities (BBRSPDI) "Kartini" Temanggung, made an account book for Beneficiaries.

The activity which took place at BBRSPDI "Kartini" Temanggung was held on Monday to Wednesday, November 4-6 2019, accompanied by social workers. The opening of this account is used to transfer Targeted Assistance (BanTu) for 75 Beneficiaries which will be distributed in November 2019. The assistance will be used for the development of productive economic enterprises according to the skills acquired during advanced social rehabilitation at BBRSPDI "Kartini" Temanggung.

The opening of this account uses one of BRI Bank's products, namely TabunganKu, which is a savings product for customers that is free of charge and can make withdrawals at all BRI Bank offices throughout Indonesia.

"Opening an account today is an activity carried out by BBRSPDI" Kartini "Temanggung to provide services to Beneficiaries that will be distributed in November. Total assistance to be distributed is 150 million rupiah or 2 million rupiah for each Beneficiary. This aid aims to develop the beneficiary's business when it has finished getting advanced social rehabilitation services, "said Ambarina Murdiati as the Head of the Division of Resocialization and Advanced Guidance of BBRSPDI" Kartini "Temanggung.

Beneficiaries' enthusiasm in making accounts was also evident. Especially with the ease of account opening requirements that require photocopies of KTP and KK and filling out an account creation form, making this account opening fast and without problems. It is hoped that with this assistance, the beneficiaries can start a business so that they can become economically independent.