TASIKMALAYA (May 28, 2022) - The day before the commemoration of the National Elderly Day (HLUN) of 2022, the people of Tasikmalaya appeared to be busy. They were seen at the SMK Plus Al Hasanah area in Gunung Tanjung District and the Puspahiang District Office.

The committee was assisted by Disaster Preparedness Cadets (Tagana) and social pillars teamed up to prepare various equipment. These include the installation of teleconferencing equipment and 50-inch TVs and sound.

The tent was ready and completed with carpet with decorations, backdrop, table and chairs for guests, invitees and companions.

These two locations are part of the activity points for the 2022 HLUN Commemoration. Various preparations have been made, including the installation of banners at strategic points, namely the main road of the district and the location of activities.

At the Puspahiang District Office, 309 elderly people will be present. They will receive services which are divided into 3 posts, namely the Health Service Post, the eID Registration Post, and the Distribution of Social Assistance. There will also be an exercise for the elderly.

ATENSI assistance will be given from Sentra Budhi Perkasa Palembang in the form of entrepreneurship assistance, furniture for uninhabitable houses and 2 goats. Assistance for Basic Needs and Nutrition (rice, cooking oil, sardines, clothes, milk, Vitamin C) as many as 304 packages. Accessibility Assistance (wheelchairs, hearing aids, crutches (24 packages). There is also assistance for Uninhabitable Houses (RTLH).

At SMK Plus Al Hasanah, 250 elderly will be present. They will receive health services, eID registration services, and Covid-19 vaccine services.

At the event, ATENSI assistance is provided, namely 250 packages of nutrition and clothes, 7 sets of glasses, 16 units of the adaptive wheelchair, 40 units of a standard wheelchair, 18 sets of hearing aids, 24 walking sticks, 5 sets of walkers, and 1 set of pieces of furniture for RTLH, with total assistance of IDR 548,705,000.

Local wisdom assistance of IDR 50,000,000 will be also handed over to productive elderly communities in the form of fish and duck livestock.

Kemensos juga membantu melalui Tagana Masuk Sekolah (TMS) di dua sekolahan oleh Dit. Perlindungan Sosial Korban Bencana Alam dan Tagana. 

The Ministry of Social Affairs also helps through Tagana Goes to School. This activity will be performed by the Directorate General of Social Protection for Natural Disasters and Tagana.

Public Relations Bureau

Ministry of Social Affairs