BOGOR (12 June 2021) - Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini inaugurated the ATENSI Creation Center (SKA) Ciungwanara Bogor. This is the 4th ATENSI Creation Center which was inaugurated after the Pangudi Luhur Bekasi, Kartini Temanggung and Antasena Magelang.


The purpose of developing the ATENSI Creation Center is to improve the entrepreneurial and vocational abilities of beneficiaries, create job opportunities for beneficiaries, increase the level of social welfare of beneficiaries from the poorest/marginalized/abandoned groups,


The ATENSI Creation Center is intended for beneficiaries of the Social Rehabilitation Center such as persons with disabilities, homeless people, beggars, scavengers, abandoned children, neglected elderly people, victims of human trafficking, and victims of layoffs. In addition, the ATENSI Creation Center is also intended for beneficiaries of PKH, Prokus, and Kube, Social Welfare Institutions (LKS), the Business World (BUMN and Private), and the general public.


"Initially, I initiated the ATENSI Creation Center for the beneficiaries, but I saw that many of our brothers and sisters were still lacking, for example, PKH and BPNT recipients. If you have a business, please market it here," explained Risma in her speech.


ATENSI Ciungwanara Bogor Creation Center consists of Inclusion Area, Tricycle Motor Assembly, Occupational Therapy, Vocational Training, Art Therapy, Handycraft Center, Hijab Ciwitan, Fashion, Culinary Center, Convection, Grocery Store, Urban Farming, Betta Fish Cultivation, Sports Center, Libraries, and Computer Training.


"We empower the beneficiaries. We will market the products through the ATENSI Creation Center. If feasible, we will help with licensing and certification of the products and we will bring them out (international level). We provide opportunities for people with disabilities to be empowered," said the Minister of Social Affairs.


In this ATENSI Creation Center, beneficiaries are provided with coaching and training according to their needs and potential which is carried out by the Ciungwanara Disability Center and the Inten Soeweno Vocational Center provides multifunctional services for people with disabilities and other PPKS.


In this inauguration, the Ministry of Social Affairs also gave awards to two figures who contributed to the social rehabilitation of persons with disabilities. They are Endang Kusuma Inten Soeweno who received an award for Respect, Protection, and Fulfillment of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Christine Ismuranty, Founder of Kainara who received an award for Providing Gluten Free Nutrition for People with Autism.

The Regent of Bogor, Ade Yasin said that his party felt the benefits of the existence of the Ciungwanara Center and the Bogor Inten Suweno Vocational Center. "The existence of the Center here is very useful because many have spawned successful people with disabilities. We are grateful for the assistance provided by the Ministry of Social Affairs to the people of Bogor Regency and the development of the ATENSI Creation Center. Hopefully, it will help more people in Bogor Regency, especially for wheelchair assistance," he explained.

The same thing was conveyed by the Deputy Chairman of Commission VIII of the House of Representatives, Diah Pitaloka. "I see extraordinary changes from the Ministry of Social Affairs. One of them is the Social Rehabilitation Center. The Ministry of Social Affairs is promoting a combination of a humanist approach and innovation. Hopefully, with the inauguration of this SKA, it can become a portal of enthusiasm for achieving international standards.

It is important that our cooperation is built to provide greater benefits for the residents of Bogor Regency," she explained.

In this activity, the Minister of Social Affairs also assists Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI), namely: Nutritional assistance to 4 elderly people, Cake-making entrepreneurship assistance for Sudrasih, a 74-year-old elderly from Cimandala, Sukaraja District, Entrepreneurship ATENSI assistance in the form of a grocery shop to 5 people with intellectual disabilities, ATENSI Entrepreneurship Assistance for Amulet from Sukabumi is Rp. 16 million, ATENSI assistance in the form of prosthetic legs for Ahmad Rosyid, a student from Banten who also works part-time as a waitress at a cafe, ATENSI assistance for assistive devices in the form of wheelchair accessibility support for people with cerebral palsy disabilities, Delivery of 2 packages of smart vests and sticks from Kartini Temanggung Center for 3 people with disabilities, Delivery of assistive devices in the form of three-wheeled motorcycles for grocery stalls to Saparman.

The Minister of Social Affairs also invited them to see the three-wheeled motorcycle workshop at the Inten Soeweno Vocational Center is located next to the Bogor Ciungwanara Center. The Minister of Social Affairs saw firsthand the manufacture of three-wheeled motorcycles by persons with disabilities.

"After assembling this motorbike, we will continue so that people with disabilities can also produce other items such as metal flower pots, plate holders, and so on," said the Minister of Social Affairs.

The event was attended by Deputy Chairperson of Commission VIII DPR RI, Diah Pitaloka, Regent of Bogor Regency, Ade Yasin, Echelon I and II of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Special Advisor of the Minister of Social Affairs, Directors of PT. Viar, the family of Mrs. Endang Kusuma Inten Soeweno and the Founder of Kainara Healthy Food, Christine Ismuranty.