BEKASI (April 11, 2021) - The Director General of Social Rehabilitation, Harry Hikmat together with Andri Alidin (Podcast Host) held a Podcast at the ATENSI Creation Center (SKA), where the SKA Bekasi podcast can be viewed on the Youtube channel "Podcast Andrea".

During the podcast, the hosts asked the Director General of Social Rehabilitation a number of questions about the ATENSI Creation Center (SKA) and how it started. Actually, what was going on with the viral state of SKA on social media until it was inaugurated by the vice president of the Republic of Indonesia, and the presence of SKA?

The presence of SKA is a place/receptacle for the marginal people who so far have received little attention. Marginalized people such as beggars, children forced to work on the streets, scavengers, socially disabled, and victims of human trafficking, said Harry.

All of these are vulnerable groups that tend to receive inhumane treatment. As we all know, they are not fostered but are considered to be violators who are considered unproductive.

When the Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini was at the Ministry of Social Affairs, the Minister of Social Affairs Risma emphasized how important it is for us to take sides with these marginal people. "So with that, the Ministry of Social Affairs through the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation is making their efforts to be rehabilitated socially, psychosocially and given training and given the opportunity to work," said Harry.

It was this brilliant idea that SKA was born as a place to provide assistance, social rehabilitation, change attitudes, provide training and empower them through entrepreneurial activities.

Then, after they have attended the training provided by the ATENSI program, they can also be empowered and placed in a vehicle called the ATENSI Creation Center (SKA). Healthy. With this SKA became viral and captured the public's attention after it was inaugurated by the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ma'ruf Amin.

In addition, beneficiaries who have been declared successful and earn income from their entrepreneurship will be transferred to Simple Rent Flats (Rusunawa) in Pangudi Luhur Training Center Bekasi, "Those who have been empowered and get the results of their entrepreneurship are placed in flats not in the cottage environment of  Pangudi Luhur Training Center again," Harry insisted.

After several questions had been answered by the Director General of Social Rehabilitation, Host Podcast Andri Alidin invited the beneficiaries to see the skills of the beneficiaries such as vocational creations, hallucination creations, culinary creations, healthy reflection, make-up/salon, grocery stalls, and touring around visiting grape and Porang plant planting sites, fishing ponds and agro-tourism for the elderly.

The event was also attended by the Heads of Centers including the Pangudi Luhur Training Center, Kokom Komalawati, the Tan Miyat Disability Center, Ch. Iriani Rahayuningsiwi, Budhi Dharma Elderly Center, Pujiyanto and Head of General Section, Sunarto.