JAKARTA (April 22, 2020) – the Director General of Social Rehabilitation Ministry of Social Affairs, Harry Wisdom describe the Efforts of Risk Reduction the Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic against the Disabled to the Team Spokesman for the President via video conference.

Harry said that people with Disabilities affected by the COVID-19 to obtain social assistance may be proposed by the LKS (Social Welfare Institute), subsequently verified and validated by the Social Service Agency. To ensure the data recipient, Social Services Agency of District/City, enter the prospective data into the SIKS - NG (Information System of Social Welfare-the Next Generation) as a back bound DTKS (Integrated Social Welfare Data)

During the existence of the Persons with Disabilities are still hidden by the family because they feel ashamed, so it is not recorded in the Family Card, do not have NIK and KTP (Identity Card). "The condition was revealed after the the facilitator of Persons with Disabilities, TKSK (District Social Worker), PKH (Family Hope Program) visit to the field and verify the data of Persons with Disabilities," said Harry.

In order to fulfill of the rights of Persons with Disabilities, gradually built a system of making Cards of people with Disabilities (KPD), as the implementation of Law Number 8 year 2016 Article 22 that the right data collection for Persons with Disabilities include : 1) recorded as a resident with disabilities in the activities of the registration and civil registration, 2) get the document population, and 3) get the card Disabled.

The Director General of the Social Rehabilitation said the steps the Ministry of social affairs in providing protection against Persons with Disabilities in the handling of the outbreak COVID-19. Such measures, among others, published a circular letter from the Director General of Social Rehabilitation No. B.106/Kemensos/4/KS.03/3/2020 on the Instructions related to the Protection of Persons with Disabilities during a Pandemic Corona Virus 19 (COVID-19). In addition, it has circulated Guidelines for the Protection of Psychosocial Support to Persons with Disabilities in connection with the occurrence of outbreaks COVID-19 and Guideline for the facilitator and Social Worker for persons with Disabilities In the Prevention of Corona Virus.

The ministry of social affairs has also distributed Emergency Relief Food the First phase on April 4, 2020 for 700 Persons with Disabilities through 19 LKS and the Organizations of Persons with Disabilities Jabodetabek region, the second stage 17-18 April 2020 amount 6.839 for 20 LKS and 13 Organizations of Persons with Disabilities and 8 Districts/Cities of Jabodetabek region, the third stage refocusing the budget of the halls of Persons with Disabilities as much as 15.943 basic necessities for the Disabled.

At the end of the meeting via Video Conference, Harry explained about the distribution of social aid stage IV, namely social assistance from the President relief in the form of food Jabodetabek region amounted to 11.745 people consists of 7.072 people with Disabilities and 4.673 elderly.

For non cash social assistance Jabodetabek amount 279.076 consists of 132.895 people with Disabilities and 146.181 elderly.

Such assistance plan is delivered directly to the address of the recipient. To social assistance in cash will be transferred directly to the account or delivered through the mail to beneficiaries. As for its utilization will be supervised by the facilitators and Social Services Agency of District/City.